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  1. politics
    No Immigration Breakthrough in Reconciliation Bill, Says ParliamentarianUnder the Senate’s obscure Byrd Rule, the budget implications of immigration reforms benefiting eight million people are “incidental.”
  2. politics
    Should Democrats Gamble on Immigration Reform in 2021?If the parliamentarian lets Democrats put immigration reform in the reconciliation bill, they’ll have to choose between principle and midterm fears.
  3. immigration
    Reconciliation May Not Solve Democrats’ Immigration WoesAs with the $15 minimum wage, a path to citizenship could succumb to a Senate parliamentarian’s ruling. And then there’s Joe Manchin.
  4. politics
    Democrats Advance Citizenship for 3.5 Million ImmigrantsA path to citizenship for Dreamers and migrant farmworkers heads to the Senate again, but the GOP will stall it to rail at the “border crisis.”
  5. daca
    Trump Admin Defies Federal Court by Rejecting New DACA ApplicantsThe Department of Homeland Security will no longer process new Dreamer applications, despite a direct order from a U.S. district court judge to do so.
  6. supreme court
    Supreme Court Thwarts Trump’s Effort to Kill DACAThe Court rebuked Trump for the second time this week, blocking him from ending the program that protects Dreamers from deportation, for now.
  7. vision 2020
    My Existential Dread of 2020The long-awaited reckoning with Trumpism is about to arrive.
  8. supreme court
    Trump Won’t Own His DACA Decision. But the Supreme Court Might Choose to.The president has hidden behind spurious legalese in trying to remove protections for 700,000 Dreamers. Will John Roberts allow him to prevail anyway?
  9. supreme court
    Supreme Court to Hear DACA Cases Next TermBut the Court chose not to review an Alabama ban on the procedure used in most second-term abortions, with Thomas calling for reversal of precedents.
  10. government shutdown
    It’s Official: We’re in the Longest Government Shutdown EverThe only path to a reopened federal government right now seems to be a national emergency declaration loaded with legal and political pitfalls.
  11. government shutdown
    Elusive Wall-for-DACA Deal Could Be Key to Ending Government ShutdownTrading relief for Dreamers for wall funding has long been on (or near) the table in Trump’s talks with Dems. But will he finally agree to a deal?
  12. border wall
    Trump: The Dreamers Are My Hostages – But the Wall Is Not My RansomTrump says he won’t negotiate over DACA because he thinks he’ll get a higher ransom once the Supreme Court makes Dreamers vulnerable to deportation.
  13. daca
    DACA Gets Big Win in Court From Judge Who Thinks It’s IllegalThe never-ending legal drama around the program took a surprising twist on Friday.
  14. immigration
    ICE Arrests of Undocumented Immigrants Without Criminal Records TripleThrough targeted sweeps and “collateral arrests,” ICE is beginning to terrorize immigrant communities.
  15. immigration
    500,000 Undocumented New Yorkers Are Living in a City of Fear20,000 of the city’s immigrants have been identified for deportation since Trump took office. The rest worry they’ll be next.
  16. House Democrats Refuse to Take Bait on ‘Abolish ICE’ Vote Arranged by GOPRepublicans want to distract attention from their own immigration disagreements and burn a straw man, but House Democrats aren’t cooperating.
  17. Why the GOP Might Face More Humiliation on ImmigrationRepublican attempts to pass a bill were huge failures. But there’s always room to fail again.
  18. For House GOP, One Doomed Immigration Bill Down, One to GoThe House rejected the hard-core Goodlatte bill, and will likely kill the “compromise” bill too, which is DOA in the Senate anyway.
  19. We’re Getting a Taste of the Backlash Mass Deportation Would CreateKids in cages at the border have aroused the conscience of the country and put the GOP in a bind. Mass deportation of the undocumented would be worse.
  20. Trump Blows Up ‘Compromise’ House Immigration BillThe president has now positioned himself to the right of his hard-core immigration adviser, Stephen Miller, which is difficult to do.
  21. The House GOP Still Can’t Figure Out What It Wants on ImmigrationAnother day, another meeting, and another failure to achieve intraparty consensus on immigration, even as a forced vote looms.
  22. At the End of the GOP’s Immigration Battle Stands Stephen Miller With a Veto PenThe already long odds against passage of an immigration bill face the additional problem of a White House that may prefer outrage to accomplishment.
  23. Trump Evinces Interest in a ‘DACA for Wall’ DealAs moderates try to push protections for Dreamers through the House, the president suggests he could support a bill if it “includes a wall.”
  24. House GOP Factions Playing Chicken With Immigration, Farm BillPaul Ryan is caught in the middle as the House Freedom Caucus and key GOP moderates push conflicting paths on immigration bills.
  25. Farm Bill Defeated in House Over Food Stamp and Immigration IssuesHouse GOP lost Democratic Farm Bill votes by insisting on new SNAP work requirements. Then conservatives took it hostage over an immigration fight.
  26. Paul Ryan Scrambles to Block Vote on DREAM ActGOP moderates are five signatures away from forcing a House vote on legal status for Dreamers. The Speaker is trying to stop them.
  27. immigration
    Why the U.S. House May Finally Pass an Immigration BillEndangered House Republicans from Latino-heavy districts are playing chicken with Paul Ryan — and indirectly the president — and may force a vote.
  28. John Kelly: Undocumented ‘Don’t Have the Skills’ to Assimilate Into U.S“They’re overwhelmingly rural people. In the countries they come from, fourth-, fifth-, sixth-grade educations are kind of the norm.”
  29. Scott Versus Nelson in a Spendy Sunshine State Slugfest for a Senate SeatScott’s money and Trump’s popularity (or lack thereof) make this a race that’s hard to predict.
  30. Yes, Romney the Presidential Candidate Was Right Wing on ImmigrationMitt Romney may be trying to pander to conservatives by talking tough on immigration. But that’s something he’s been doing for a long time.
  31. Alexander and Murray’s Bipartisan Obamacare Alliance DisintegratesWhen Obamacare stabilization measures reached their moment of truth, bipartisanship ceased and the GOP agenda took over.
  32. The 8 Zaniest Things About Trump’s Flipping and Flopping on the OmnibusWhether or not Trump is just pitching a fit, or blowing up months of negotiations, it’s all very … wacky.
  33. Congress to Vote on 2,232-Page Spending Bill Before Ink Is DryMore than halfway through fiscal year 2018, Congress still can’t fund the federal government in an orderly and timely manner.
  34. SCOTUS Hands Trump Temporary Setback on DACA CancellationThe March 5 deadline set for DACA’s demise is now a dead letter as the Ninth Circuit and then perhaps SCOTUS will review Trump’s action.
  35. Trump’s Position on Dreamers Is Indefensible — and He Knows ItThe president’s whole plan is to hold the Dreamers hostage and lie about what he’s doing. The media can’t let him get away with it.
  36. Senate Votes Down Every Immigration ProposalTrump’s own proposal and a bipartisan compromise that he angrily opposed both went down in the Senate.
  37. Team Trump Fighting Immigration CompromiseEven as a bipartisan bill emerges that might get 60 Senate votes, the administration is opposing it stridently.
  38. A Dreamers-for-Wall Deal Could Pass the Senate — If Trump Lets ItA bipartisan group of senators just struck such a deal. But Trump is (reportedly) unwilling to compromise on cuts to legal immigration.
  39. Will Trump Make or Break an Immigration Deal?The odds of any legislation making it through the abattoir of both houses of Congress is limited at best — unless Trump gives Republicans cover.
  40. In Defense of the ‘Dumbest Shutdown’The spending deal that Rand Paul held up for a few hours was pretty dumb, too.
  41. Pelosi’s ‘DACA-buster’ Speech Likely a Record-Setter for the HousePelosi can’t stop a spending deal that excludes DACA. But she can talk about it.
  42. Trump Picks Up Shutdown Threat Over Immigration After Democrats Drop ItLook who’s threatening to shut down the government now.
  43. Even a Healthy McCain Couldn’t Broker a Good Immigration Deal in the Trump EraMcCain’s vision of comprehensive immigration reform is missed in Washington, but wouldn’t prevail in this Congress.
  44. Congress Is Sleepwalking Toward Its Next CrisisMaybe one more stopgap spending bill can be enacted, but then that’s it.
  45. Trump Has Lost the Upper Hand in the Immigration FightThe president took hostages that he’s unwilling to shoot. Now, the Dreamers’ allies have no reason to pay his ransom.
  46. The Dispute Dividing the GOP in the Debate Over ImmigrationSenate Republicans are resisting the House–Trump effort to force restrictions in legal immigration into a deal with Democrats. But maybe not for long.
  47. How Trump’s Immigration Proposal Could Be Trouble for DemocratsTurns out Americans are much more open to restrictions on legal immigration than they are to deporting Dreamers.
  48. Trump’s Surprise Immigration ProposalThe White House presented the outline of a deal — amnesty for Dreamers, but big asks — that might just make everyone mad.
  49. Marco Rubio’s Endless Drift to the Right on Immigration Policy ContinuesEver since he was wrong-footed by conservative opposition to the Gang of Eight bill, Rubio has fought to look “strong” on immigration.
  50. Democrats Officially Lost the Shutdown FightBy starting a shutdown he couldn’t sustain, Schumer showed his (losing) hand. Now, he’s preparing to back a budget that does nothing for Dreamers.
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