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  1. rascally
    Georgia Man Gets DUI on His Motorized Wheelchair“I was out of medication, so I had me a drink.”
  2. crimes and misdemeanors
    Kerry Kennedy Not Guilty in Ambien-Related DUIShe took it by accident.
  3. crimes and misdemeanors
    Thirsty DUI Suspect Orders Beer After CrashIf ever one needed a drink …
  4. crimes and misdemeanors
    Yet Another Reason Not to Drive to the VillageThanks partly to the neighborhood’s bouncers.
  5. stupid crime of the day
    Former President of Local Mother’s Against Drunk Driving Arrested for … Well, GuessDrunk driving!
  6. the sports section
    Jayson Williams Hospitalized After FDR CrashThe former Nets star may have been drinking before driving, police say.
  7. early and often
    Vito Fossella Gets Off EasyHa-ha-ha, yeah, okay, not really.