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  1. ferrets
    New York’s Most Famous Ferret Advocate Isn’t Sad the Ban Was Upheld“The bill called ferrets ‘vicious’ — we cannot have that out there.”
  2. ferrets
    NYC’s Notorious Ferret Ban Is Here to Stay [Updated]The NYC Board of Health voted to uphold the ban.
  3. bill de blasio’s new york
    Bill de Blasio More Popular Than FerretsThe mayor’s approval rating is up, but the city is mixed on legalizing the animal.
  4. bill de blasio’s new york
    De Blasio Moves to Lift NYC Ferret BanIt’s a new era.
  5. early and awesome
    Mitt Romney May Hate Dogs, But He Loves FerretsHe knows, because he saved a ferret from a dishwasher one time. Or he just made it up.