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Fy 2022 Budget Reconciliation

  1. joe manchin
    Is Manchin Considering Quitting the Democratic Party?The West Virginian wants to issue a credible threat to Democrats to increase his leverage in negotiations over Biden’s agenda.
  2. politics
    Democrats Should Save Some Reconciliation Goodies for 2022The best way to reduce the Build Back Better price tag without sacrificing initiatives is to delay the most popular ideas, like Medicare expansion.
  3. politics
    No, Mitch McConnell Didn’t ‘Cave’ on the Debt CeilingTalk of McConnell folding misses what he got out of the debt-limit deal: a vote he can use against Democrats in 2022 and more chaos down the road.
  4. kyrsten sinema
    Why Aren’t Democratic Senators More Vulnerable Than Sinema Playing Her Game?Somehow or other, Democratic senators in tough 2022 reelection races aren’t posturing and holding the Biden agenda hostage to show their independence.
  5. politics
    A Manufactured Debt Limit Crisis Is a Bad Gamble for DemocratsCould be a “Heads I win, tails you lose” situation for McConnell and Republicans, since Democrats will be blamed for any economic fallout.
  6. politics
    Raising the Debt Ceiling Is Now a Slightly Less Nightmarish TaskThe parliamentarian says Democrats can lift the debt limit without derailing Biden’s agenda, no GOP votes required. But it’s still a tricky maneuver.
  7. politics
    Why Dentists Oppose Democrats’ Plan to Add Dental Coverage to MedicareLike physicians before them, dentists are against so-called “socialized medicine” — even though it will help fill their own pockets.
  8. politics
    The Infrastructure Bill May Be Bipartisan, But Republicans Won’t Help Save ItSince the value of this bill to centrist Democrats is strictly its bipartisanship, what does it say that Kevin McCarthy will happily watch it die?
  9. politics
    Democrats in Congress Need to Cut to the Chase With a Deal on EverythingIt’s time for Democrats to stop threatening each other over infrastructure and reconciliation and pass Biden’s agenda, before it’s too late.
  10. politics
    One Cheer for the Infrastructure DealIf a bipartisan infrastructure bill was necessary to get 50 Senate Democrats to vote for the reconciliation bill, it was worth it — but just barely.