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Fy 2022 Budget Resolution

  1. politics
    A Manufactured Debt Limit Crisis Is a Bad Gamble for DemocratsCould be a “Heads I win, tails you lose” situation for McConnell and Republicans, since Democrats will be blamed for any economic fallout.
  2. politics
    Raising the Debt Ceiling Is Now a Slightly Less Nightmarish TaskThe parliamentarian says Democrats can lift the debt limit without derailing Biden’s agenda, no GOP votes required. But it’s still a tricky maneuver.
  3. politics
    The Infrastructure Bill May Be Bipartisan, But Republicans Won’t Help Save ItSince the value of this bill to centrist Democrats is strictly its bipartisanship, what does it say that Kevin McCarthy will happily watch it die?
  4. explainer
    Why Pelosi and Moderate Democrats Are in a Standoff Over Biden’s AgendaPelosi will try to pick off enough moderate rebels to get a budget resolution passed, but she may have to cut deals and shift her timetable.
  5. politics
    Manchin and Sinema Prepare Their New Demands for Fellow DemocratsWhile the Democratic centrists voted for the budget blueprint, they want potentially conflicting concessions for their votes on the final product.
  6. politics
    Senate Passes Infrastructure Bill, Moves On to BudgetAll Democrats and 19 Republicans voted “aye.” Now the GOP can point to this show of bipartisanship as they block various budget votes ahead.
  7. debt limit
    Democrats Appear Ready to Play Game of Chicken on Debt LimitThey’re gambling on forcing Republicans to cooperate, which is no sure thing.
  8. politics
    Silly Season Arrives in Senate As Major Legislation AdvancesGet ready for “messaging amendments” and “vote-a-ramas” as pointless debate precedes passage of the infrastructure bill and the budget resolution.
  9. bipartisan infrastructure deal
    Yes, Sick or Quarantined Senators Could Blow Up Infrastructure VoteThe final version requires 60 yea votes, meaning Lindsey Graham’s 10-day quarantine could potentially jeopardize the bill, with August recess looming.
  10. politics
    A Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Moves Forward in the SenateThere may trouble down the road with centrist Dems complaining about the bill’s size, but a motion to advance it to a final debate passed 67 to 32.
  11. congress
    A Brief Guide to Congress’s Packed Summer ScheduleWith conflicting reports on late-night talks and meaningless failed votes, it’s hard to track what Congress is doing. Here’s their pre-recess plan.
  12. debt limit
    Republicans Won’t Help Democrats Raise Debt LimitMcConnell is again being a hypocrite by treating an essential debt-limit increase as a problem for Democrats. But it’s what he needs for his message.
  13. politics
    Big Deadlines Stand Between Congress and Its Hot Vax RecessSchumer hopes the threat of spending August in D.C. will spark movement on the infrastructure deal and the budget reconciliation.
  14. budget
    Senate Dems Start Loading a $3.5 Trillion Bazooka to Pass Biden’s AgendaA new agreement would dodge a Republican filibuster to expand the welfare state, but many issues are yet to be resolved.
  15. politics
    House Democrats Can Blow Up Biden’s Agenda, TooJoe Manchin and other Senate centrists get all the flak, but it would only take five rebel Democrats to derail key House votes.
  16. politics
    Democrats Move Ahead With Plan to Pass Rest of Biden AgendaWhether or not an infrastructure deal is cut with Republicans.