Displaying all articles tagged:

Gender Bias

  1. feminism
    We Need a Smarter Conversation About Feminism in PoliticsHillary Clinton should amplify the needs and work of women far less powerful than she is.
  2. interesting times
    Andrew Sullivan: What We Know About Trump Going Into 2020He changed American politics in some foundational — even productive — ways. But we can’t let him destroy our political institutions.
  3. vision 2020
    Is Buttigieg’s Presidential Bid Buoyed by Male Privilege?Klobuchar says Mayor Pete has only gotten this far because he’s a man. It’s probably more complicated than that.
  4. ink-stained wretches
    At Newsweek, Have Women Really Come So Far?Forty years after a landmark discrimination suit, not all female employees at the magazine are happy.