Displaying all articles tagged:

George Bush

  1. old heads
    Republican Supervillains Are Conspiring to Elect Kamala HarrisDick Cheney and torture enthusiast Alberto Gonzales have both endorsed Harris over Trump in the past week.
  2. the national interest
    Conservatives Excommunicated the Last Republican President Who LostThey know how to brand a failed president as a loser, if they want.
  3. vision 2020
    Trump’s Racism Is Pushing Away the Voters He Needs in 2020Trump needs to placate voters who love his economic record but can’t stand his conduct. He doesn’t seem to care.
  4. the national interest
    The Good BushUnlike his son, “H.W.” was not a bad president. Why didn’t he get more respect in his time?
  5. the national interest
    Poll: Barack Obama Was the Greatest President of Our LifetimeWhy haven’t Democrats exploited the popularity of their recent presidents, and the unpopularity of Republican ones?
  6. early and often
    Jeb Bush Is Not Who You Think He IsHe’s more ruthless than he looks, more conservative than moderates like to believe, and possibly more appealing to Latinos than Marco Rubio.
  7. tribes
    The Branches of the Bushes: A Family TreeFive generations. Two presidents (and counting). And just about every elite profession you can name.
  8. international affairs
    Nelson Mandela Is Alive and Out of the HospitalGeorge Bush mistakenly released a statement mourning his death.
  9. 9 11
    9/11/11: Six Moments of Silence at Ground Zero [Updated]Ceremonies at ground zero, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania, mark the passing of nearly 3,000 ten years ago.
  10. a tale of two texans
    So How Similar Are Rick Perry and George W. Bush, Anyway?Spoiler: Only one of these Texas governors enjoys golfing.
  11. osama bin killed
    John McCain: Stop Your Lying, Bush–Torture ApologistsOh, snap, maverick.
  12. homicide
    Former Bush and Reagan Aide Found Murdered in a Delaware LandfillJohn P. Wheeler III’s death was ruled a homicide.
  13. photo op
    George W. Bush Has Some ‘Friendly Advice’ for Congress on World AIDS Day“The continuing fight against global AIDS is something for which America will be remembered.”
  14. books
    Bush’s Book is No. 1 — Not That You’d Know It by Going to New York’s Independent BooksellersWe took an informal survey of where ‘Decision Points’ was placed all over Manhattan.
  15. family
    At Least George W. Bush’s Parents Liked His BookYou can (generally) count on your parents to tell Larry King they’re proud of you.
  16. equal rites
    Former Bush Campaign Chief and RNC Chair Ken Mehlman Comes Out of the ClosetFour years ago this reporter asked Mehlman if he was gay. The answer has changed.