Displaying all articles tagged:

George H.w. Bush

  1. get well soon
    President George H.W. Bush Hospitalized After FallHe broke a bone in his neck, but the situation is “not life threatening.”
  2. Secret Service Get Bad Press (Again)The former president didn’t seem too worried, though. 
  3. crying children
    7 Kids Who Did Not Enjoy the WH Easter Egg RollSometimes, the White House can be a dark place. 
  4. health update
    George H.W. Bush Released After Spending Christmas in the HospitalHe was experiencing shortness of breath.
  5. get well get well soon we want you to get well
    George H.W. Bush to Spend Christmas in the Hospital The 90-year-old former president experienced shortness of breath on Tuesday night.
  6. oh w.
    George W. Bush Unveils Portrait of His Dad’s ‘Gentle Soul’A father-son painting.
  7. happy things
    George H.W. Bush Celebrates 90th Birthday Like a Badass (While W. Instagrams)The former president said he had one more jump in him.
  8. read my lips
    George H. W. Bush Honored for Courageously Breaking ‘No New Taxes’ PledgeThat must take the sting out of losing the presidency in 1992.
  9. twitterverse
    George Bush Senior Is on Twitter From the Chest Up (So Far)Sock photos can’t be far behind.
  10. equal rites
    George H.W. Bush Served As Witness at a Lesbian WeddingWith the exception of W., the Bushes seem fine with gay marriage.
  11. photo op
    George Bush Shaved His Head in Solidarity With a Sick 2-Year-OldHeartwarming.
  12. the bush family
    George H.W. Bush Does Not Think America Has Had ‘Enough Bushes’He wants his son to run. His wife doesn’t.
  13. the national interest
    George W. Bush Hit in GOP Immigration CrossfireAnother innocent victim.
  14. presidential humor
    All the Presidents’ Jokes From the George W. Bush Library DedicationThese guys.
  15. applause-fest
    Many Hands Clapping: How Did the State of the Union Become an Applause-Fest?It started with Reagan. But Democrats are now the worst offenders.
  16. ink-stained wretches
    German Magazine Accidentally Runs George H. W. Bush ObituaryAnd it wasn’t very flattering.
  17. the bushes
    George H.W. Bush Is Less Sick Than He Was Earlier This WeekHe’s been moved out of the ICU.
  18. get well soon
    George H.W. Bush Is Sick, Not Dying “Please put the harps back in the closet.”
  19. get well soon
    George H.W. Bush Bantering With Nurses, Missing Dim Sum in Intensive CareThe former president spent a frustrating Christmas in the hospital.
  20. fiscal cliff
    Meet the Last Congressional Republican to Vote for Higher TaxesNew Mexico Senator Pete Domenici did it in 1990.
  21. death and taxes
    Anti-Tax Absolutist Grover Norquist Calls George H. W. Bush a LiarOn ABC, not to his face.
  22. endorsements
    George H.W. Bush Channels Kenny Rogers in Romney EndorsementIt gets awkward.
  23. things that happened a long time ago
    Bush the Elder Briefly Considered Asking Clint Eastwood to Be His Running MateIt “was suggested in not an altogether unserious” manner.
  24. international intrigue
    Kuwait Frees Men Who Tried to Kill George W. Bush’s DadAlso known as former president George H.W. Bush.
  25. retired world leaders
    Americans Continue to Sour on Jimmy CarterBut they’re loving Bill Clinton more and more.
  26. 41
    Are the Elder Bushes Officially the Greatest Old People in the World?First they slam Sarah Palin, now they’re fawning over Obama and Clinton.