Displaying all articles tagged:

Gossip Girl

  1. party lines
    Naomi Wolf Doesn’t Watch ‘Gossip Girl’ But Wants ToThird Wave feminist Naomi Wolf wrote about the Gossip Girl books long before the CW morphed them into the Greatest Show of Our Time. “Unfortunately for young girls,” Wolf opined in the New York Times, “these novels reproduce the dilemma they experience all the time: they are expected to compete with pornography, but can still be labeled sluts.” But the Beauty Myth author won’t be voicing an opinion on the TV show anytime soon. For one thing, she’s never seen it. “We’re not allowed to watch it in my house because I have a 12-year-old girl,” Wolf said at Brassiere Ruhlmann, at the after-party for a screening of the Kite Runner. “I’m sure it’s a great TV show, and I can’t wait to watch it when I’m alone sometime, but for now, we don’t.” Is it the fact that the show’s teen characters have sex that makes her want to shield young girls from it? “It’s not the sex,” she replied. “Sex is great. Judy Blume is great. There are all kinds of fabulous teen stories about sexuality and sexual awakening. It’s the skanky sex, the way the sex doesn’t mean anything. It’s just another commodity. It’s just like Daddy’s gold credit card: threesome in the hot tub.” The upside, she says, is that the sometimes awkward sexual exploits of S., B., Lonely Boy, and the crew on the Upper East Side aren’t necessarily any different from what goes on in car backseats across suburbia. “You could have skanky sex anywhere,” she said. “You could have skanky sex in a mall.” Don’t tempt us. —Candace Taylor Earlier: Why Gossip Girl Is the Best Teen Drama You’ve Been Watching Your Whole Life
  2. in other news
    ‘Observer’ Writer Hates ‘Gossip Girl,’ All Non–New Yorkers Tom Acitelli has an oddly hysterical screed about the Greatest Show of Our Time in today’s Observer. In a blog post called “Is Gossip Girl Dangerous? Yes,” Acitelli complains that the show “is spreading throughout the United States a disjunctive, distorted, ultimately dangerous, view of what buys what in New York City right now.” His specific gripe is that the show makes it seem that “poor” families like the Humphreys can still have sumptuous, airy loft spaces in Williamsburg (duh, Tom, keep up — they live in Dumbo!). We must dash these notions quickly, lest a fresh wave of flyover country folk flock to neighborhoods like Williamsburg (just like they did in the 1990’s) to waste some of the choicest years of their life coming to grips with the reality that $1,000 in this city is like $100 elsewhere. First of all, how patronizing. If you were really worried about these people, friend, you probably wouldn’t call them “flyover country folk.” It sounds more like you just don’t want Middle Americans moving into your hood. And second, your complaint is that the show credits its characters with better real estate than they’d actually have in real life. Just like, you know, Friends, Sex and the City, and, oh, EVERY OTHER SHOW THAT HAS EVER BEEN ON TELEVISION. Violating the space-wealth continuum has been a time-honored tradition since Eva Gabor moved to Hooterville on Green Acres (and missed living in Times Square).
  3. in other news
    Scottish Isle Waits for The Donald Ex MachinaThere are some Americans for whom true success is found overseas. David Hasselhoff, for instance, is revered in Germany. Kelly Rutherford, who plays Lily on Gossip Girl, is a megacelebrity in Turkey. Not to brag or anything, but Intel is huge in Durbuy, Belgium. And, as the Wall Street Journal tells us today, Donald Trump is practically worshipped in Lewis, the tiny island off the coast of Scotland where his mother was born. The people of Lewis are not only not revolted by The Donald’s values and smarmy attitude and limited vocabulary, they would actually like him to live among them and would love nothing more than for The Donald to knock aside their prehistoric ruins and build a glittering megaplex on their heathered moors. “He can play golf here, do a bit of fishing, shooting, a bit of relaxation,” one local councilor, who wrote Trump asking him to turn a crumbling castles into a luxury hotel, told the Journal, which suggests that Lewis waits for The Donald as the Sahara waits for the rains. “It will come suddenly,” one resident said, as if expecting a golden Donald to one day descend from the sky. But others are more pragmatic: “The weather isn’t bouffant friendly,” one councilman said. Bonnie Donny, The Isle o’ Lewis Is Pining for Ye [WSJ]
  4. intel
    ‘Gossip Girl’ Says, ‘Granny, Get Your Gun!’Drunk with power (and Tanqueray), Grandma CeCe stole the shit out of this episode.
  5. intel
    ‘Gossip Girl’ Spoiler: The Musical Number ComethLate last week we went to a concert at Luna Lounge to see sister band the Pierces play. Turns out they are making a cameo appearance in the Greatest Show of Our Time. And what’s better, it’s during an ALL-CAST CHOREOGRAPHED DANCE ROUTINE. This is a bold move by the Gossip Girl writers. The musical-number episode normally comes much later in the life of a series, about the time when the Long-Running Celebrity Guest Star makes regular appearances, or when somebody develops an ill-timed pregnancy. But Gossip Girl is playing its hand early (like, tomorrow) and we’re not going to turn down a good thing. Allison Pierce told us that there’s a fistfight involved in the episode, and a new male character is introduced to come between Dan and Serena (wait, didn’t this already happen?). Click above to see a preview. The band shared a dressing room with Blake Lively and Leighton Meister on set. “We hung out with them. They were very cool, they weren’t snobby or anything, they were very sweet,” Catherine Pierce said. “Blake has a little teacup poodle. It’s like two pounds, and it had the funniest personality. It was like a little live-action teddy bear. She had him on the table with all the food and he was running around.” Aw, adorable! Also, no wonder Blair is barfing up all her food… —Fiona Byrne
  6. intel
    ‘Gossip Girl’ EP Finally Explains the Great Dumbo/Williamsburg Contradiction!Stop the presses! We have some very important, breaking Gossip Girl news. (No, it’s not that they’ve been filming in New York all week, surrounded by the real-life girls they are absurdly meant to portray.) The producers of the Greatest Show of Our Time have reached out to Daily Intel to once and for all put to rest the Most Obnoxious Real-Estate Conundrum of Our Time. That is, whether the Humphrey family lives in Williamsburg, as mentioned in the pilot episode, or Dumbo, where all exterior shots and activities around their loft have taken place. Behold, an e-mail from executive producer Stephanie Savage: When we wrote the pilot script, we felt like Williamsburg was the appropriate place to situate the Humphrey family, and we shot all our Brooklyn locations in Williamsburg (Rufus’ gallery, Dan and Serena’s date, Dan and Rufus put up flyers). However, the interior of the Humphrey loft was shot at a private residence at The Foundry, in Long Island City, so that wouldn’t work for the exterior shot.
  7. new york fugging city
    The Fug Girls: Introducing the Good BoyFor the past year, the tabloids have been obsessed with Bad Girls and the rotating cabal of shaggy, greasy party boys who love them. But as public patience with self-destructive dim-bulbs like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears wanes, mags have cooked up a new dish for us to salivate over: the Good Boy. He’s sanitized, sexually harmless, and above all, as bland as an egg-and-egg omelette. In short, he is Gossip Girl’s Chace Crawford. Nothing against Crawford: He’s coming into his own playing troubled, rich pothead Nate Archibald, and it’s possible he secretly digs astrophysics, dog shows, and racing unicycles across shaky rope bridges. But if he is that well rounded, we won’t read about it anytime soon. The boy’s appeal lies in his intense (but not intimidatingly intelligent) eyes, carefully mussed hair, and TV show aimed squarely at the squalling teens who buy multiple copies of magazines so as to tape the pictures to their bedroom ceilings. Even his maybe-girlfriend Carrie Underwood described Chace’s appeal thusly: “He’s got cool hair, he’s a nice height, and he just has beautiful eyes.” How profound. Will they register at Sephora?
  8. intel
    ‘Gossip Girl’ Gives Us the Thanksgiving We Always DeservedWho writes this show? Former members of the Children of God?
  9. in other news
    Blair Bogarts the WeedHey, Upper East Siders. Guess what happened over the weekend? Apparently Neel at Radar spotted Blair Waldorf all the way downtown at GoldBar, passing around what looked to be a spliff. (And Neel would know.) Though we’re really pleased to find out that Blair (WHAT? SHUT UP, THAT IS HER NAME) was behaving in character, we were saddened to learn that her pot etiquette is extremely poor. Quoth Radar: She repeatedly jumped the rotation and awkwardly tried to re-light the dying roach with a candle. The negative influence of date-rapey ne’er-do-well and current infatuation Chuck Bass, no doubt. Sigh. We couldn’t agree more. Life Imitates Art for Stoney Gossip Girl [Radar]
  10. intel
    Why ‘Gossip Girl’ Is the Best Teen Drama You’ve Been Watching Your Whole LifeWelcome back to work, Upper East Siders. Did you see this morning’s “Rush & Molloy” item about how people have started confusing Lost star Ian Somerhalder for Chace Crawford, who plays Nate on Gossip Girl? This we appreciate, as we have often thought the two are twins of rosy-cheeked elfin hotness. We also appreciate it because we have been thinking about our favorite show for the whole holiday break. We assume you were as devastated as we were to discover that last week’s episode, the last glorious flash of your spiritual libertarianism before you were subsumed by communist familial obligations, was a rerun. But never fear! We did some GG analyzing anyway, for your reading pleasure. Click below to read the official Daily Intel take on the etymology of teen drama and how it’s influenced the greatest show of our time. A Look at the Cast of ‘Gossip Girl’ [NYM]
  11. party lines
    The Night We Met Vanessa From ‘Gossip Girl’ and Didn’t Kill HerEvening, Upper East Siders! So last night we went to Central Park North (a.k.a. 110th Street) for Esquire’s fête to honor Bill Cosby at the mag’s swank bachelor pad. Much as we love us some vintage Dr. Huxtable, last night was all about Gossip Girl, and the chance to talk to Jessica Szohr, who plays Vanessa. Yes, that’s right, Dan’s annoying friend who likes to enter his room through the window. Come on, we’re not in Dawson’s Creek here, Vanessa! First and foremost, we have to point out that Jessica Szohr is not as terrible as her character on the show. Last night, she was wearing a very nice simple black sweaterdress and tights and had really red lipstick on. Unless Vanessa gets a job hosting at the Waverly Inn, we know she’s not gonna be rocking a simple black dress anytime soon. Which brings us to our first question. What exactly is Vanessa’s deal? Why does she dress like an extra from a New Kids on the Block video? Thank God we had Jessica to break it down for us!
  12. in other news
    Who’s Blair’s Daddy?If we had to say that Gossip Girl was missing anything — and we mean had to, because obviously the show is pretty much brilliant and perfect, but say we were really under duress, like someone was waterboarding us, and we had to pick something to save ourselves — we’d probably say that the one thing the show is missing is a gay dude. Why is there no Ricky to Serena’s Angela Chase, no Matt Fielding to Jenny’s Rhonda Blair, no Clinton to Blair’s Stacy? This is New York City, for the love of Kathy Griffin! Gossip Girl’s lack of gayness is frankly eerie, especially when there are lines like, “Their feud was over faster than Jessica Simpson’s acting career,” which are clearly intended for a gay. But the good news is we totally forgot about Blair’s father, who supposedly left her mother for a male model! Now, the show’s fan site is telling us that John Shea, formerly of Superman, will turn up in future episodes. We can’t wait. Blair’s Gay Daddy Will Be Revealed in a Later Episode [GossipGirl.tv via Gawker]
  13. in other news
    Is C Really Going to Let N Talk About Her Like That? Me-ow! Maybe she’s just being funny, but in her Gossip Girl think piece this week, the New Yorker’s Nancy Franklin displays a Blair-worthy level of cattiness regarding Cecily von Ziegesar, the creator of the books on which the CW show is based. I’ve been told that some kids in Manhattan’s private-school population resent the way they’ve been depicted in the show, but that tells me that there’s some accuracy to von Ziegesar’s portrait. (Or maybe they just want to distance themselves from a Nightingale graduate who can write a paragraph like this: “There was a box of orange Tic Tacs in her pocket with only one Tic Tac left. Serena fished the Tic Tac out and put it on her tongue, but she was so worried about her future, she could barely taste it.”) Well, as we all know, there’s nothing Gossip Girl likes more than a good catfight, and this could be a classic! High School Confidential [NYer] Earlier: Intel’s coverage of Gossip Girl
  14. party lines
    Blake Lively Gives Good GossipHordes of rich famous people arrived at the Lexington Avenue Armory last night to shop Seventh on Sale, where money spent on donated designer goods goes to charity. Among the first to arrive to get the good stuff were Gayle King, who brought walking shoes in her purse to change into post–photo op, and Tommy Hilfiger, who was there to shop for his girlfriend. “I could shop, but I don’t know what I would buy,” Hilfiger said. “I’ll buy whatever she wants.” Gossip Girl Blake Lively planned to call her business manager to find out her spending limit. Looking adorable in a bright-yellow dress, she was jumping up and down with excitement when we asked her what she wanted to buy (a handbag! Oh, to be a pretend-teenager again). We detained her for a bit more dish about how she researched for her role on the greatest show of all time. She said Gossip Girl’s creator Josh Schwartz recorded interviews with real-life Upper East Side girls. And she got to listen to the tapes! Which story resonated most? “One of the girls, her father was a big investment banker or something. And he was in a meeting with another man, and this man was going on and on about this hot young girl that he’d been dating and hooking up with. And it ended up being this investment banker’s daughter,” Lively said. “She got in a lot of trouble. The guy was like 42.” Gasp! Ewww! What happened to the guy? “A slap on the hand basically.” Um, thank God we have the show, then, where something like that would be rewarded with a slap and a hand job. From a teenager. —Amy Odell To find out what Marc Jacobs, Parkey Posey, Dita Von Teese and more said at Seventh on Sale, read Party Lines. Related: ‘Project Runway’ Scores a Touchdown With New York Giant Michael Strahan [Vulture] Earlier: The entirety of our giddy Gossip Girl coverage
  15. intel
    ‘Gossip Girl’ Threatens All of Its Great Loves“I performed in a speakeasy and surrendered my virtue to a self-absorbed ass.”
  16. intel
    ‘Gossip Girl’ Plotline: Real-Life Crossover?Great news! Last night we went to the opening of Radio City Music Hall’s Christmas Spectacular (and it was, as you can probably tell from the name, splendid). There were a bunch of exciting celebrity appearances, including Cynthia Nixon with her girlfriend and children, and Chris Meloni, who arrived late and actually had to slide his glorious bubble butt past us to reach where his kids were sitting. But the most Christmas-miraculous sighting of all was of Taylor Momsen and Connor Paolo, who you might know better as Jenny Humphrey and Eric van der Woodsen from Gossip Girl! They were sitting in the front row, right up next to all the action. Now, we don’t know if it was a date, but the two seemed very close and sat leaning on one another and whispering for the whole show. And the best part? They were chaperoned by Taylor’s mom. (She even brought Taylor’s younger sister along for the ride.) The actors are, after all, only 14 and 17. If they were real teenagers, instead of famous ones, they’d totally have to go to the mall as the only way to get away from their parents, and be forced to make out at Cinnabon. Oh, to be young… Earlier: ‘Gossip Girl’ Star Connor Paolo Has Lunch at 10:30 A.M. All our Gossip Girl recaps and dish!
  17. intel
    ‘Gossip Girl’ Exceeds Our Expectations … Again!Our Einsteinian comparison between the real, the unreal, and the crap that made us groan out loud to our gay friends in the living room.
  18. intel
    ‘Gossip Girl’ Giveth and ‘Gossip Girl’ Taketh AwayYou might expect that we feel some solidarity toward the TV and film writers who are striking this week, since we’re writers too and all that. Yeah, not really. Actually, we have always kind of resented TV writers since they get paid way more than we do (damn them for making such a smart career choice), and we suspect that most other print/Internet-y people feel the same way. Or, at least, their mothers do. Basically it’s kind of like a Serbs-versus-Croats situation. But now we at Intel have a real reason to be pissed at those guys. Our too–small–to–write–for–the–Harvard Lampoon brains just realized that because of the strike we may be deprived of future episodes of GOSSIP GIRL. Although (thank you sweet Jesus Imitation of Christ) new episodes will air tomorrow night and next week, the L.A. Times is reporting that the CW only has 13 of the 22 planned episodes for 2007–2008 in the can, which means that, depending on how long the strike lasts, we could run out of new episodes by February.
  19. gossipmonger
    Heath and Michelle: Everything’s Wrong!Michelle Williams may be leaving Boerum Hill because the brownstone she lives in is too big for just her and the baby. A pregnant Nicole Richie smoked a cigarette outside Da Silvano. Ed Westwick, a.k.a. Chuck Bass on Gossip Girl, likes playing the bad boy. (Also, he’s British!) Ryan Gosling shopped for flannel shirts at the Urban Outfitters on West 14th and also set off the store alarm. Jennifer Hudson canoodled with New York Jets free safety Kerri Rhodes at Cipriani. Joan Rivers claims her apartment was once haunted by a Jewish ghost from Larchmont. Natalie Portman couldn’t flirt her way to a table at LES restaurant Apizz. The launch party of the Supper Club at the National Arts Club was way too hot.
  20. gossipmonger
    Rachel Roy Is a Dash PreggersRachel Roy is pregnant. Gossip Girl’s Chace Crawford toasted new friend Carrie Underwood with Cristal at Southern Hospitality. Ew, they serve Cristal at that place? Katie Holmes took Suri to have frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity 3. 50 Cent and Lance Bass talked smack about each other’s books. Anna Wintour skimped on the food (only cheese sticks and almonds!) at her Style.com party on Tuesday. Prince Albert showed up at the “Grace, Princess of Monaco” exhibit at Sotheby’s.
  21. intel
    ‘Gossip Girl’ Makes Us Color-blindOur highly calibrated point system of… um… points.
  22. intel
    In Which We Defend the Honor of ‘Gossip Girl’Over at the Huffington Post today, children’s author Lesley M. M. Blume takes on Gossip Girl. Like, she really goes after it. “Gossip Girl represents nothing less than the soft death of youth culture and rebellion and self-determinism,” she writes. Sorry, what? Are you watching the same mind-shatteringly brilliant show that we are? Every week we pore over each episode and analyze it for our readers, who immediately tear apart our reasoning with their press-on nails and braced incisors. So we’re excited to finally have the chance to examine someone else’s reading of the show! (Not to mention examine what Blume herself looks like. She’s trying to tell us someone who looks like that doesn’t watch the show? She could practically star on it!) Let’s look at her argument, piece by piece. • “Gossip Girl supposedly exposes the seamy underbelly of Manhattan’s Upper East Side overclass.”—Again, is she watching the same show we’re watching? Gossip Girl isn’t meant to expose anything more than Star Trek was supposed to teach you what space is really like. It’s a high-camp fantasy. Does Lesley think skinny women writers with only one regular freelance gig really drink multiple fishbowl-size martinis a night at fancy clubs and never look broke or hung-over? Then she must have really loved how Sex and the City “exposed” real New York life.
  23. intel
    ‘Gossip Girl’ Gets Lost in New YorkIsn’t it weird when a show’s writers forget their own plotlines? Isn’t it weird we’re paying such close attention?
  24. gossipmonger
    ‘Gossip Girl’ Star Chace Crawford Apparently Not Worried About His TruckAt the memorial service for former movie critic Joel Siegel, ABC anchor Charles Gibson noted that the Jewish Siegel sent the best Christmas cards. Gossip Girl star Chace Crawford got cozy with a “rude and nasty” Carrie Underwood at Marquee and a party at Soho Grand (not “Chance” Crawford, as reported by “Page Six”). Vanessa and Donald Trump Jr. dined at Gemma and drank at the Rose Bar in the Gramercy Park Hotel. Cindy Adams claims that members of John Edwards’s camp are “profoundly worried” about the recent allegations that Edwards strayed on his wife. David Lauren and Lauren Bush arrived via motorcycle to the Domino Bazaar Saturday.
  25. party lines
    Emmy Rossum Is Our Very Own Gossip GirlLast night’s Skin Cancer Foundation’s Skin Sense Award Gala was for an excellent cause, so when faced with the prospects of interviewing celebrity guests, we kept it very serious. Emmy Rossum, who showed up not wearing Ralph Lauren, was one of our first targets of inquiry. “Have you seen Gossip Girl?” we asked, getting right down to business. “It’s entertaining,” the Phantom of the Opera star said. “It’s a dramatized version of how catty girls schools can be in New York.” Hey readers, did you know Emmy Rossum went to an all-girls school in the city? That’s right, she went to Spence. She’s practically a Gossip Girl co-star! “[Some classmates] were that precocious,” she said. “Just, you know, how much money everybody spent on their Sweet Sixteen party. Like, $3 million.” Wait, we’ve seen My Super Sweet Sixteen. Is $3 million supposed to be a lot? “You had to outdo the other one,” she explained. Really? More, more! “Everyone would come back each summer with a different nose,” she said when we prodded her. “Or boobs. Or mysteriously having lost a ton of weight.” Oh, Lord, Emmy, forget anything negative we’ve ever said about you. You rule, and we’re totally buying your new CD where you pretend to be Enya! —Bennet Marcus Earlier: Emmy Rossum Combats Impending Irrelevance With New Music Video (sorry for the mean headline, Em! Call us!)
  26. intel
    Blair Waldorf Had Breakfast at Bendel, Not Tiffany’s Earlier today we posted an item that suggested that in Blair’s dream sequence during Gossip Girl last night, she was paying a visit to Tiffany & Company. She was, after all, dressed as Holly Golightly. But readers were quick to correct us, pointing out that it was Henri Bendel where the opening scene was shot. Or was it Bergdorf? We were très confused. All the mixed Fifth Avenue metaphors! But now the verdict is in: As you can see from the above photo, the store in question was Bendel. It’s “the same place they went in the 1st episode, where Dan and Serena met the first time,” explained reader Emily, patiently. “Bendel’s is Serena’s favorite store she says!” Well, then, it’s settled. Until next week, here’s to caviar wishes and DVR dreams! Earlier: Daily Intel’s treasure trove of Gossip Girl episode recaps, interviews, and dish!
  27. intel
    ‘Gossip Girl’ Embraces Friendships, RealityAnd that’s what this recap is all about, right? Realism!
  28. 21 questions
    ‘Gossip Girl’ Star Connor Paolo Has Lunch at 10:30 A.M.Name: Connor PaoloAge: 17Job: Plays Eric van der Woodsen on the hit CW show Gossip Girl.Neighborhood: Manhattan Who’s your favorite New Yorker, living or dead, real or fictional? This changes on a weekly basis. After seeing Raging Bull it was Jake La Motta. Every time I hear “Imagine,” it’s John Lennon. Currently, it’s George Morfogen who played Rebadow on Oz. I legitimately bumped into the man twice this week, and despite my screaming his character’s name both times, he remained gracious and appreciative. What’s the best meal you’ve eaten in New York? Anything served past 3 a.m. qualifies as great.
  29. intel
    ‘Gossip Girl’: There Are Only Eight Colleges in AmericaOur vaguely researched, but mostly completely subjective, guide to what in this week’s Gossip Girl was as fake as Melania Trump’s face, and what could pass for real.
  30. intel
    ‘Gossip Girl’ Goes Straight to the ‘O.C.’ PlaceIn case you forgot, on the second episode of Gossip Girl, otherwise known as Statutory Rape in the City, the anonymous narrator really drums it in that this show is based in Manhattan, more specifically Upper East Side.
  31. gossipmonger
    The Plaza Turns 100The Plaza Hotel turns 100 on October 1, and she’s having a birthday party. MTV nixed having the stars of The Hills go to the Gossip Girl premiere party at Tenjune. On NY1’s Wiseguys, Ed Koch and Al D’Amato berated lefty Mark Green over MoveOn.org’s “General Betray Us” ad. Alina Shriver, sister-in-law of Maria and wife of Anthony Kennedy, just debuted a clothing line. A Pontiac had to be removed from the stage of 50 Cent’s concert at Hammerstein Ballroom because it had gas in the tank. Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, and Violet played in Sheep Meadow. Eartha Kitt, better known as Catwoman, says she’s 80 but still “burning.”
  32. intel
    ‘Gossip Girl’: The Most Important Show of Our TimeLast night’s giddily awaited premiere of Gossip Girl did not disappoint.
  33. party lines
    ‘Gossip Girl’ Star Says He Wants to Punch Zac Efron! At the Gossip Girl premiere party last night, things were running late. The bash started at 7, but by 9:30, cast member Blake Lively was still a no-show. Über-publicist Leslie Sloane-Zelnick loitered behind the red carpet, waiting. “I’m with Blake,” she told a reporter. Of course the biggest star in the show would work with Zelnick, who reps Jennifer Lopez and Anne Hathaway, and helped Britney and Lindsay back in their glory days. “Hey, all these kids are stars!” Zelnick insisted, but that’s not what it looked like. The rest of the show’s cast lingered upstairs at Tenjune, waiting until Lively turned up at 9:45 to enter the hellishly crowded party. The youngest talent, 17-year-old Connor Paolo (OMG! he played a young Colin Farrell in Alexander!) and 14-year-old Taylor Momsen (OMG! she played Cindy Lou Who in How the Grinch Stole Christmas!!) dawdled in a corner doing what else – gossiping. “The reporters asked me what ‘gossip’ is, and if I could tell them a rumor about someone one set,” said Momsen. “What did they ask you?” “They asked me if I had a crush on anyone in Hollywood, who would it be?” said Paolo. “They asked me for gossip, too. I said I wanted to punch Zac Efron in the face.” Wait, what? “Don’t you think everyone wants to see him get punched?” he asked. Wow, if possible, we love this show even more. Earlier ‘Gossip Girl’ Just as Tawdry, New Yorkey as We’d Hoped
  34. gossipmonger
    Michael Jackson Is in New YorkDavid Chase is “heartbroken” that James Gandolfini, Edie Falco, et al didn’t win Emmy; Bill Maher isn’t sad he lost for the nineteenth time. Naomi Campbell told the Blacks in Fashion panel last week that she’s repeatedly been refused the cover of British Vogue, despite the fact that she’s posed eight times. Rosie O’Donnell declined to hawk her book on Oprah, instead opting for a Diane Sawyer interview. Brad Pitt and Angelia Jolie drop off and pick up Maddox at the Upper East Side’s Lycée Français themselves. Marilyn Manson didn’t carry girlfriend Rachel Evan Woods’s luggage as the two strode through JFK. Judith Giuliani went shopping for Manolos at Bergdorf Goodman. Michael Jackson is allegedly holed up in a fancy midtown hotel and has left only once to take part in a photo shoot.
  35. intel
    ‘Gossip Girl’ Just As Tawdry, New Yorky As We’d HopedSo we got our hands on a preview DVD of the new show Gossip Girl. You know, the new CW show based on the megapopular book series? For anybody over the age of 20 (okay, let’s be honest, 28), it’s basically Sex and the City for the New York City private-school set. The show films in the city, and we were delighted to note how many NYC landmarks are defiled in the first episode alone. Without giving away the (extremely vigorous) plotline, here are some of our favorite bits: