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Gubernatorial Race

  1. There’s a Lot at Stake in the VA Governor’s Race — and Democrats Are WorriedPolls are now very tight in a nasty culture-war campaign. If Republican Ed Gillespie wins, look out in 2018.
  2. party chat
    At Cuomo Victory Party, There Was ‘A Lot of Hugging, A Lot of Crying, A Lot of Kissing’According to Chris Cuomo at least.
  3. paladinosaur
    Carl Paladino Celebrates Halloween in Bar With Zombie, Guy in BlackfaceAnd he was even photographed making “Look I’m Grabbing a Pirate Wench by the Chest” face!
  4. we feel like we’re taking crazy pills
    By the Way, the Anti-Gay Orthodox Rabbi Who Wrote Paladino’s Weekend Speech Has Turned Against HimYehuda Levin now recommends that voters write in “the name ‘Morality.’”
  5. paladinosaur
    Carl Paladino’s Team Has Armed Itself With ‘Evidence’ That Andrew Cuomo Is ‘Anti-Semitic’He is friends with Russell Simmons! Egad!
  6. paladinosaur
    Wouldn’t Carl Paladino’s Remarks Yesterday Have Made More Sense If Someone Had Said It This Way?““I just think my children and your children would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising one family, and I don’t want them brainwashed into thinking that committing adultery and raising two separate secret families is an equally valid and successful option.”
  7. early and often
    Andrew Cuomo Will Debate the Manhattan Madam, and (Almost) All the Other Gubernatorial CandidatesBut, notably, not Carl Paladino.
  8. paladinosaur
    Carl Paladino Is Back to the Whole ‘Cuomo Had an Affair’ ThingThis time he says he DOES have evidence of an affair, even though yesterday he said he didn’t.
  9. paladinosaur
    Paladino Primed to Leverage Upstate/Downstate Divide in Campaign“Part of his campaign has been to mobilize the angry upstate electorate.”
  10. paladinosaur
    Well, at Least the Governor’s Race Won’t Be BoringWith Carl Paladino’s win last night, New York Republicans earned themselves an entertaining next few months — but little else.
  11. status cuomo
    Andrew Cuomo: A Tale of Two PamphletsThe man is growing up!
  12. equal rites
    Times Examines Cuomo’s Record on Gay Rights“Some doubt” the strength of his support for LGBT issues.
  13. equal rites
    Cuomo: Gay Marriage Can Pass in 2011It’s an off-election year, after all. And it’s a “priority.”
  14. oh albany!
    Cuomo Has Accepted $7.1 Million From Lobby, Special-Interest GroupsThis from the guy who said last month: “The influence of lobbyists and their special interests must be drastically reduced with new contribution limits.”
  15. early and often
    Cuomo to Try to ‘Pick Off’ Legislators, Choose Own ReplacementGod, doesn’t he know that Democrats TALK?
  16. gubernatorial race
    Ed Cox Admits It’s ‘Possible’ Steve Levy Won’t Get Enough VotesEven Levy’s supporters are reportedly “worrying about his momentum.”
  17. early and often
    Cuomo Entrance Into Governor’s Race Imminent?It could come as early as next week!
  18. early and often
    Cuomo Moves to Control State Dem PartyThe appointment of a close ally to run the party’s fall campaigns signals Cuomo’s rising power.
  19. early and often
    Andrew Cuomo Really, Really Cares What You Think About HimEven if you don’t know much about what he thinks … about anything.
  20. early and often
    Cuomo Clobbering Levy and Lazio in Latest PollsOh, the poor mustache!
  21. oh albany!
    Democrat Levy Looking to Be ‘Scott Brown II’ in New York Governor’s RaceHe could announce an official run by the end of the week.
  22. the cuddle muddle
    Cuomo Passes the Buck on Paterson InvestigationIt comes at a bad time, see.
  23. oh albany!
    There’s a Democrat Trying to Run in the Republican Gubernatorial Primary RaceBecause why make it easy?
  24. the cuddle muddle
    David Paterson: ‘I Cannot Run for Office and Try to Run the State’s Business at the Same Time’The governor just officially announced that he will not run for his office again.
  25. the cuddle muddle
    David Paterson Set to Announce He Won’t Run for ReelectionHe’ll make the announcement later today.
  26. early and often
    Sources: Giuliani Not Running for GovernorNow why could that be?
  27. early and often
    New State GOP Chair Would Rather Have Giuliani Run for SenateBut Rudy, for some reason, isn’t returning his calls.
  28. governor overshare
    Michelle Paterson: ‘David Was Hurt. But Somewhere He Has This Steel Inside Him.’Oh God, more oversharing.
  29. the cuddle muddle
    The Patersons Get a Little Too Honest“I didn’t sign up for this,” the governor told a luncheon yesterday.
  30. early and awkward
    ‘The David Paterson Problem’Paterson and the White House scramble over yesterday’s ‘Times’ report.
  31. early and often
    There Is One Thing About David Paterson That Scares Andrew CuomoHis blindness. Just kidding! His BLACKNESS.
  32. early and often
    Governor Paterson May Not Be Spending Money on the Right ThingsInstead, he’s spending it on booze and fancy dinners. And consultants who are paid to get people to like him.
  33. early and often
    Cuomo Out-Raising Paterson Statewide, in City Thompson Picking Up PaceThe “tortoise and the hare” campaign approach appears to be very popular this year.
  34. early and often
    As Dems Splinter, State GOP Threatens to Bring Down the Rudy HammerOf course, it’s not really that straightforward.
  35. early and often
    Why Are Republicans Raising Money for Andrew Cuomo?It can’t be because of all that great work he’s done busting bonuses on Wall Street.