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Hard Choices

  1. early and often
    The 2016 Race Is Devolving Into a Prank WarClinton sent her GOP rivals copies of Hard Choices.
  2. crimes and misdemeanors
    Someone Is Cutting Hillary’s Signature Out of Copies of Hard ChoicesBut what does this mean for 2016?
  3. campaign 2016
    America Loves and Hates Hillary Clinton Equally, for NowAnd they bought 85,000 copies of her book.
  4. early and awkward
    88 Choices in Hillary Clinton’s Hard Choices“All of us face hard choices in our lives,” the book begins.
  5. hillary watch
    Scenes From Hillary Clinton’s Visit to the Union Square Barnes & Noble [Updated]She chose a bright pink pantsuit for the occasion.
  6. 2016
    Is Hillary Clinton Too Dependent on Stuffed Animals to Be President?Can a potential commander-in-chief have a teddy bear?
  7. hillary watch
    Hillary Clinton Remembers Her Mother in Book Excerpt Dorothy Howell Rodham taught Clinton to “never quit.”
  8. early and awkward
    Hillary Clinton Hard Choices Title Winks at 2016Her new book is called Hard Choices.