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  1. early and often
    Third-Party 2024 Candidates Can’t Win, But They Can Help TrumpThis year’s many independent and third-party presidential candidates won’t win electoral votes, so voters are still facing a binary choice.
  2. new hampshire primary
    Democrats Aren’t ‘Infiltrating’ New Hampshire’s Primary to Vote HaleyIndependents have long been allowed to vote in the GOP primary. That doesn’t mean Haley is rigging the contest, as Trump is suggesting.
  3. politics
    Andrew Yang Is Now Too ‘Outsider’ for Our Two-Party SystemLeaving the Democratic Party and declaring himself an independent probably won’t help Yang get his ideas enacted, but maybe it will sell more books.
  4. politics
    Independents Aren’t Nonpartisan, They’re Just DisengagedThe increasing number of self-identified independents feeds partisan polarization by turning the parties over to ideologues and “outsiders.”
  5. republicans
    A Dwindling Republican Party May Be Doomed to Shrink MoreThe trouble with losing swing voters is that it can make the residual party base more entrenched in its exclusive ways.
  6. president’s job approval
    Record Polarization Underlies Biden’s Otherwise Normal Job Approval RatingBiden’s impossibly popular among Democrats, and improbably unpopular among Republicans. His relative strength among independents could be key.
  7. vision 2020
    Americans Reach Peak Partisan Polarization Under TrumpThe biggest danger sign for Trump is that independents don’t like him much at all.
  8. vision 2020
    How Biden Can Respond to the Left’s Demand for Medicare for AllBiden’s first “concessions” on health-care policy aren’t enough to satisfy progressives. He might want to emulate Warren’s two-step plan.
  9. vision 2020
    The Coming Freak-out Over the California PrimaryConfusion over how independent voters can participate could cost Bernie Sanders a lot of delegates, if not a win.
  10. vision 2020
    Two Career Non-Democrats Could Fight for the Democratic Presidential NominationSanders and Bloomberg have spent a lot of time avoiding identification with the party whose presidential nomination they seek — much like Trump.
  11. politics
    Partisan Polarization Reaching Record LevelsTrump’s more popular with Republicans than Reagan, less popular with independents than Carter. It’s not just elites who are polarized.
  12. vision 2020
    Confusion Among California Independents Could Hurt SandersMany of CA’s independent voters don’t know they have to request a Democratic ballot, while others have registered mistakenly with a right-wing party.
  13. vision 2020
    Late-Entry Third-Party Threats Haunt DemocratsThe sudden talk about centrist billionaires and “Russian assets” entering the 2020 sweepstakes reflects Democratic nightmares and rivalries.
  14. impeachment
    Window For Impeachment of Trump May Be Closing SoonJerrold Nadler bought time by saying impeachment proceedings had already begun. But the votes aren’t there for articles of impeachment, at least now.
  15. vision 2020
    Elizabeth Warren’s Secret Weapon: She’s All In As a DemocratIn her friendly competition with Bernie Sanders, Warren’s embrace of her party, rhetorically and strategically, could give her an advantage.
  16. vision 2020
    Trump Is Achieving Peak PolarizationYou either love him or hate him, and fact that the in-between is vanishing carries implications for 2020.
  17. impeachment
    Will Pushing for Impeachment Make It More Popular?There’s some evidence that impeachment proceedings against Nixon damaged his popularity, but it’s unclear if the same would happen to Trump today.
  18. kamala harris
    California Is a Golden Opportunity — and Challenge — for Kamala Harris in 2020Harris is running third behind Biden and Sanders in the latest poll of her home state, but she hopes to boost her standing with an earlier win.
  19. vision 2020
    California May Move to ‘Unrig’ Rules Affecting IndependentsProposed legislation would let independents know they need to ask for a Democratic ballot in the 2020 presidential primary.
  20. independents
    There Aren’t Many True Independents, and They Aren’t Into PoliticsMost self-identified independents lean heavily toward one party. Howard Schultz and others banking on some silent centrist force should take note.
  21. Nobody’s Neutral About Trump’s Job PerformanceTrump’s approval ratings are normally high among Republicans and abnormally low among Democrats, with hardly anyone being unsure about him.
  22. Will Greitens Avenge Himself on Missouri GOP With an Indie Run for the Senate?It could be a sign that God really loves incumbent Democratic senator Claire McCaskill, whose last opponent imploded.
  23. If Democrats Are So Strong, Why Is Their Polling Lead So Weak?More and more observers are noting that House polls for November aren’t showing the sort of Democratic margins we’ve seen in special elections.
  24. Mark Cuban Has Little Chance of Becoming a Third-Party PresidentTrump’s way — winning over one of the two major parties — is probably the only way to the White House for a rich celebrity “outsider.”
  25. The Abortion ‘Litmus Test’ May Actually Help DemocratsIt’s often assumed Democrats could win lots of “pro-life” voters with a more flexible position on abortion. That may get it backward.
  26. Sanders to Run in Vermont As an Independent (for the 16th Time)Some see another Sanders indie reelection run as a signal of his presidential intentions for 2020. Could just be inertia.
  27. There May Not Be As Many ‘Trump Democrats’ As Previously ImaginedThe obsession with “Obama-Trump voters” showing the fatal Democratic weakness in 2016 may be based on imaginary party-switchers voting GOP as usual.
  28. Republican Voters Have Lost Their Enthusiasm for Repealing ObamacareThe belief that the GOP Congress absolutely has to repeal Obamacare or face the wrath of angry base voters is an exaggeration at best.
  29. God Help Us, Iowa’s 2020 Presidential Contest Is Already UnderwayEver-anxious about their first-in-the-nation status yet happy to leverage it, Iowans lean into another caucus cycle.
  30. Why Going Negative and Staying There Is the Best Strategy in This ElectionWonder why politicians “go negative” so often in partisan contests? Part of the reason is that independents who “lean” toward one party are mostly motivated by hatred of the other one. 
  31. early and often
    Blogger David French Won’t Actually Run for President Against TrumpHis hypothetical independent candidacy lasted less than a week.
  32. Bernie’s Independent Voters Are Very Likely to Cast Ballots for HRC in the EndSanders’s appeal in the primaries has not been for swing-voting “true independents,” but for leaners who are functionally Democrats.
  33. Instead of Banning Closed Primaries, Just Make It Easier to Change PartiesHere’s a compromise Hillary Clinton could offer to a problem that seems to be really bothering Bernie supporters.
  34. Democrats Consider Opening, While GOP Closing, Primaries to IndependentsIt says a lot about both parties.
  35. Where Sanders-Friendly Indies Can and Can’t VoteThe upcoming primaries will be mostly hostile to indies. And then there’s California, where many who think they are independent aren’t.  
  36. Unraveling the Mystery of Bernie’s Independent SupportResearch shows that the Democratic-leaning independents Sanders is winning are relatively liberal but anti-status quo.
  37. Nomination Could Sour Independents on SandersAt a moment of maximum partisanship, Bernie Sanders’s electability might be eroded by the Democratic presidential nomination.
  38. barack obama
    Obama’s Approval Rating Takes a HitAmong independents, 57 percent say they don’t approve.
  39. early and often
    Democrats File Suit in Michigan Over Reported GOP ‘Caging’ TacticsAfter a local reporter wrote about a supposed GOP strategy to bar voters suffering from foreclosure from the polls, state Democrats took it to the courts.
  40. early and often
    Bloomberg Is Out of Race for Good, Except That He Still Plans to Be in It After months of teasing, innuendo, and downright madness, Bloomberg has put our stress over the possibility of his presidential candidacy to rest. In an editorial in the New York Times that went online last night, the mayor explained: I listened carefully to those who encouraged me to run, but I am not — and will not be — a candidate for president. I have watched this campaign unfold, and I am hopeful that the current campaigns can rise to the challenge by offering truly independent leadership. He railed against the candidates for not fully comprehending the challenges facing our economy, the environment, and our schools. He also encouraged an independent approach to these solutions, rather than a partisan one, and emphasized the importance of encouraging growth in America’s cities. He says he’ll still use his vast means to advocate for these issues during the race. The Daily News applauded the move, immediately nominating Bloomberg as a vice-presidential candidate to run on Obama’s ticket. The Post, meanwhile, called his prior flirtation with a run “shameful” and “infuriating.” We’re frankly a little past caring — we’d already pulled out all of our eyebrows by last summer anyway. I’m Not Running For President, But… [NYT]
  41. early and often
    Mayor Bloomberg: ‘Hillary Should Pray I Get in the Race’Buried in Rush & Molloy’s “Side Dish” section today is a totally fun, kinda bitchy tidbit from Mike Bloomberg about Hillary Clinton. At a private event on Wednesday, Bloomberg said he thinks that after Super Tuesday, she’s “going to be the nominee.” But, he said, “that’s not to say she can beat John McCain.” Bloomberg and New York’s junior senator have been friendly as they’ve worked together on state issues, but his comments Wednesday seem a little skeptical. Hizzoner couldn’t vote in New York on Tuesday because he’s now a registered Independent. If he did make a bid for the presidency starting next month, he’d be courting a lot of the outside-the-box, fiscally conscious voters who have been attracted to McCain. “Hillary should pray I get in the race,” he cracked, “because that would help her.” Ah! Hubris! He’s already sounding presidential… Side Dish [NYDN]