John Mccain - Intelligencer
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John Mccain

  1. first wife clubs
    John McCain Unleashes His Secret Weapon … Cindy McCainWhen someone who has barely spoken the entire campaign suddenly goes on the attack two days in a row, it’s hard not to notice.
  2. debatable
    McCain’s Five Oldest Debate MomentsMcCain didn’t help himself last night by repeatedly doing and saying things that, frankly, made him seem even older than he already appears.
  3. instant politics
    Matthew Yglesias and Garrett M. Graff on the Election’s Generational DivideThink Progress blogger Matthew Yglesias and Garrett M. Graff, author of ‘The First Campaign’ and editor at large for the ‘Washingtonian,’ discuss the generational split among voters, how our economy might be transformed for the better, and why, in the election, technology and innovation is the elephant in the room.
  4. early and often
    McCain Calls Obama ‘That One’: Why?McCain calling Obama “that one” is being dissected by political observers, who, in a testament to the moment’s weirdness, haven’t come close to a consensus on its meaning.
  5. Heilemann: Obama Closes the Deal in Second DebateMcCain barely tried to alter the dynamic of the race last night, while Obama was a ‘message machine.’
  6. word association
    Republican Crowds Getting a Little NutsMcCain and Palin rallies are turning into a sinister form of ‘$20,000 Pyramid.’
  7. instant politics
    Katie Roiphe and Matthew Yglesias on the Financial Crisis’ Upside and Why McCain May Well ‘Win’ Tonight’s DebateAuthor Katie Roiphe and blogger Matthew Yglesias discuss Sarah Palin’s latest attacks on Obama, what the silver lining of the financial meltdown might be, and why McCain will likely be declared the winner of tonight’s debate.
  8. early and often
    Where to Drink Tonight: Your Country Needs You!The economy’s in the can — what’s another $3 beer? Here’s a roundup of debate-viewing parties tonight.
  9. early and often
    Why Tonight’s Debate Won’t MatterWe round up the top ten reasons this debate just isn’t going to make a difference in the race.
  10. early and often
    Pundits Seem to Encourage McCain Stunt at Tonight’s DebateIt’s clear McCain needs to do something dramatic to change the direction of this race.
  11. early and often
    Obama Making Serious Battleground Gains Over McCainA slew of reports out today show Obama gaining in national and swing-state polls.
  12. Sarah Palin Wants to Spoof Tina Fey on ‘SNL’Apparently there’s talk of Sarah Palin appearing on ‘Saturday Night Live’ to lampoon Tina Fey. Could this really happen?
  13. instant politics
    James Fallows and Katie Roiphe on Sarah Palin Winking Her Way Through the DebateJames Fallows of ‘The Atlantic’ and Katie Roiphe, the author, most recently, of ‘Uncommon Arrangements,’ discuss Sarah Palin’s flirtatiousness last night, and which voters she was really winking at.
  14. early and often
    Palin and Biden: Debating the DebateSo what did everybody think about how Joe Biden and Sarah Palin did last night?
  15. early and often
    Why Is Obama Doing So Well These Days?John McCain has an answer: ‘Because life isn’t fair.’
  16. McCain to Pull Out of MichiganPulling out of a hot battleground where you have been slowly losing over a long period of time? Is this the McCain we know?
  17. early and often
    How Palin, McCain’s Kryptonite, Could Still Take the DebatePalin has been driving independent and moderate voters in key battleground states away from John McCain, and that fact is going to frame how she debates Joe Biden on Thursday night.
  18. the greatest depression
    Bailout Passes in the Senate, But Not Without DramaMcCain ices Obama on the Senate floor.
  19. early and often
    The Top Ten Excuses Sarah Palin Could Use to Back Out of the RaceIt would be audacious, and perhaps insane, for her to do so — but if we’ve learned anything from the McCain/Schmidt strategy, it’s that no stunt or story line is too audacious to peddle to voters.
  20. Is Gwen Ifill’s ‘Age of Obama’ Book a Conflict of Interest Problem?She’s writing a book about young black politicians that will focus on Obama. Does this mean she should recuse herself from moderating the debate? Or is it a nonissue?
  21. early and often
    Sarah Palin Has Yet to Hit BottomIt’s never good when people start openly discussing replacing you on the ticket.
  22. quiz
    ‘Many, Many Years’ of Washington Experience Is Bad Depending on Who Has ItIn which we play a maddening guessing game.
  23. instant politics
    Joe Scarborough and John Heilemann Dissect the Bailout Fight: How It Might Sink McCain — and Help the GOP’New York’ magazine’s John Heilemann and Joe Scarborough, former Republican Congressman and host of MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe,’ discuss the parallels between the rejection of the bailout bill and the Gingrich revolution, what Sarah Palin still has to offer, and how these couple weeks ‘might very well be remembered by history as the fortnight when Obama won the election.’
  24. early and often
    McCain Suspended His Campaign and All He Got Was This Lousy Bailout FailureHe aimed to reap the political rewards of a bailout deal, and now stands to lose the most from its continued delay.
  25. in other news
    Tom Brokaw Saved MSNBC From ItselfAccording to the former NBC News anchor, it was his idea to tone down Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, and also he who saved the network’s relationship with the McCain campaign.
  26. early and often
    McCain, Palin Attack Couric for ‘Gotcha Journalism’Wait, is that the style of reporting where one asks follow-up questions and holds people accountable for their public statements? Despicable!
  27. early and often
    How’s Sarah Palin Looking for Thursday’s Debate?The bar has been set very low. This, however, may be her last chance to be taken seriously.
  28. gossipmonger
    Jermaine Dupri Puked in Janet Jackson’s LapThat’s the way love goes, we guess? Speaking of which: ScarJo got married! And more, in today’s gossip roundup.
  29. sex on skates
    The McCain Campaign’s Latest Gimmick: A Palin-Johnston Wedding?The ‘Times’ of London is reporting that the McCain camp is considering forcing a quickie wedding between Bristol and Levi, to boost Sarah Palin’s ‘homespun authenticity.’
  30. early and often
    Heilemann: Obama Passes Presidential Test; McCain Fails MannersBarack Obama emerged clearly victorious and for one simple reason — he did what he set out to do, and John McCain did not.
  31. early and awesome
    Chris Rock’s Best Lines From This WeekThe comedian’s voice may be the only one that’s getting heard in this week of madness.
  32. mccaintics
    So, What Exactly Was So Suspended About McCain’s Campaign?Ads, interviews, fund-raisers, surrogates — kind of looks like a non-suspended campaign, no?
  33. early and often
    CNN: McCain Will DebateThe Arizona senator is preparing to leave for Mississippi right now, according to reports.
  34. early and often
    Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Shreds John McCainReid and Banking chair Chris Dodd just wrapped up a scathing press conference about the status of the bailout package.
  35. gossipmonger
    Is McCain Just Too Tired to Do the Debate?Someone at the debate rehearsal overheard him saying he’s ‘exhausted.’ Well, yeah, but you’re running for the Big Job, John — you have to rally! And other gossip…
  36. early and often
    Obama Works Out While Wall Street BurnsBarack Obama woke up early this morning. To tackle the morning’s economic news? To revise a bailout proposal? To do debate prep? No, to go to the gym.
  37. early and often
    Bush Delivers Another Brief, Content-Free Press Conference‘The legislative process is sometimes not very pretty, but we are going to get a package fast,’ the President assured the nation just now. ‘We will rise to the occasion.’
  38. early and often
    The McCain Surprise: Stupid, Brilliant … or Both??Yesterday, as soon as John McCain announced his stunning decision to suspend his campaign and delay tomorrow’s debate, chaos broke.
  39. gossipmonger
    Son to Richard Meier: You’re Gay and You Institutionalized Me for Telling YouThat’s what the starchitect’s own progeny said! And Drew Barrymore is sucking face all over town! Our gossip roundup tells you where and with whom.
  40. early and often
    In Shadow of McCain and Bush Gimmicks, Congress Nearing Deal on BailoutEven without John McCain’s much-hyped campaign suspension and George Bush’s planned economic summit tomorrow, Congress is close to resolving the plan.
  41. instant politics
    Robert Reich and Ben Smith on McCain ‘Suspending’ the Campaign and the Exact Chances of Worldwide Financial MeltdownPolitico’s Ben Smith and Robert Reich, former United States secretary of Labor and University of California, Berkley professor, also discuss whether Obama has distinguished himself in dealing with the economy.
  42. early and often
    John McCain Asks to Delay the Presidential Debates in the Face of Economic CrisisAlack! What fresh gimmickry is this?
  43. early and often
    Will McCain’s Rick Davis Scandal Stick?The campaign now faces charges of lying and hypocrisy, and those are always sexy.
  44. early and often
    Campbell Brown Calls Out McCain Campaign for ‘Sexist’ Barrier Between Sarah Palin and the MediaBy overprotectively shielding Palin from the media, the McCain campaign is sending the message that the women in this election aren’t as tough as the men, complains the CNN anchor.
  45. instant politics
    Ken Layne and Ben Smith on Being ‘In the Tank’ and Why McCain’s So ResilientWonkette’s Ken Layne and Politico’s Ben Smith discuss the McCain campaign’s accusation that Smith is “in the tank,” the possibility of Henry Paulson and Chris Dodd taking over the country, and the proliferation and pitfalls of political blogs.
  46. ad wars
    Obama’s Latest Attack Ad Is Just SillyThe ad attacks McCain for owning (get ready to gasp) … three foreign-made cars! Out of thirteen!
  47. early and often
    McCain’s War Against the Gray Lady: A TimelineYesterday’s outburst from the McCain camp against the paper of record, in which strategist Steve Schmidt called the ‘Times’ ‘150 percent in the can for Obama,’ is far from the first skirmish between the two. Here’s a guide to everything that’s gone sour between the paper and the campaign in 2008.
  48. imaginary conversations
    Imaginary Eavesdropping on Sarah Palin and Henry KissingerSometime today or tomorrow, Sarah Palin will sit down with Nixon and Ford’s former secretary of state. We imagine how that might go down.
  49. early and often
    Ever Hawkish, McCain Campaign Declares War on PressAnd the declaration itself was, naturally, rife with distortions.
  50. early and often
    Obama Campaign Gets Biden Back in Line Over AdsAfter Biden called one of his own team’s ads ‘terrible,’ the Obama camp was left scrambling for excuses.
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