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John Mccain

  1. instant politics
    Eli Attie and Ken Layne on Whether Obama Can Steer This Election Back to Substance’West Wing’ screenwriter and former Al Gore speechwriter Eli Attie and Wonkette’s Ken Layne discuss the inscrutability of undecided voters, whether the debates will matter, and what Philip K. Dick has to do with it.
  2. early and often
    Would You Care to Hear McCain and Obama’s Ideas About the Bailout?Obviously, their stances will consider solely the potential economic ramifications of a bailout plan, and not electoral politics, right?
  3. bons mots
    Who Says Sarah Palin Doesn’t Know Important People?The Alaska governor is totally friends with the dudes from the ‘Deadliest Catch!’
  4. instant politics
    Eugene Mirman and Eli Attie Wonder Why Politics Must Be Such Poor EntertainmentThe comedian and the ‘West Wing’ scribe banter about the meaninglessness of faster news cycles, starting Obama rumors, and working on McCain’s TV show.
  5. early and often
    McCain, Grasping for an Edge, Calls for SEC Chairman’s HeadThe problem is that it’s not even clear that the president can fire the chairman of the SEC — and even if he could, a lot of people aren’t enamored with the sentiment anyway.
  6. instant politics
    Patrick Healy and Eugene Mirman on the Liberal Media ‘Conspiracy’ and Why It’s Strange That the Wall Street Meltdown Has Swung PollsToday, New York ‘Times’ political reporter Patrick Healy and comedian Eugene Mirman discuss forgetting the things Sarah Palin named her children after, what Americans really want, and Bette Midler for V.P.
  7. early and often
    Sarah Palin: How the Moose-y Have FallenAs voters have moved past their initial excitement and dug deeper into Palin’s, you know, actual record and positions, they’ve begun to sour on her — and swung the race back to Obama.
  8. early and often
    Palin on the Economic Crisis: ‘Corruption’ Is to BlameThe Alaska governor sat down with Sean Hannity on Fox News last night and talked about the economy and energy policy.
  9. ad wars
    Obama and McCain Vie for Your Confidence With New AdsOne of these men will solve all our problems — but which one?
  10. it just happened
    Was Governor Sarah Palin’s Personal Yahoo E-mail Hacked?We’re still waiting for confirmation, but it appears that someone busted into Sarah Palin’s highly protected personal in-box.
  11. early and often
    Insanely Wealthy, Titled Aristocrat Thinks Barack Obama Is ‘Elitist’Lady Lynn and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, members of Britain’s legendary banking dynasty who once supported Hillary Clinton, are voting for McCain.
  12. early and often
    John McCain Suddenly Railing Against Greed, Barbra StreisandWith Wall Street in full meltdown mode, McCain has instantaneously become an opponent of greed and lax financial oversight, leaving some wondering where this new populist hero came from.
  13. early and often
    Democrats File Suit in Michigan Over Reported GOP ‘Caging’ TacticsAfter a local reporter wrote about a supposed GOP strategy to bar voters suffering from foreclosure from the polls, state Democrats took it to the courts.
  14. instant politics
    Lynn Sweet and Patrick Healy on Connecting McCain and Bush Over the Economy and Whether Clinton Alone Can Blunt PalinLynn Sweet, Washington, D.C., bureau chief for the Chicago ‘Sun-Times,’ and New York ‘Times’ political reporter Patrick Healy discuss Palin’s advantage with regard to Wall Street turmoil, Biden suggesting Clinton might have been a better V.P. choice for Obama, and how Clinton supporters might (or might not) see a Palin bait and switch.
  15. early and often
    Holy Hell, McCain Adviser Claims Luddite GOP Nominee Helped Invent the BlackBerrySince that’s too absurd to even comprehend, there must be something else going on here. We think we know what it is!
  16. early and often
    McCain or Obama: Who’s Taking the Edge in the Wall Street Crisis?Most likely, neither candidate really knows exactly what the hell is going on, or what can be done to fix it. But they’ll try, damn it, they’ll try.
  17. early and often
    Could McCain Topple the Empire State?Poll numbers show Obama’s lead in our true-blue state is down to just five points.
  18. early and often
    Obama Toughens As McCain Is Exposed. Just Mind the Blowback.Could complaints about McCain’s dishonesty end up hurting Obama more than McCain’s dishonesty hurts McCain? Our head hurts just thinking about it.
  19. early and often
    If McCain and Obama Can’t Tap Into the Economy Message Today, They’ll Never Do ItAnd yet, with statements released this morning, both camps are off to a tepid start.
  20. early and often
    The AP Calls McCain a Lying Liar From LiartownHas the media finally figured out how to fight back against GOP attacks? The subtle introduction of a new dishonesty meme?
  21. instant politics
    David Frum and Lynn Sweet on Rattled Obama Supporters and Whether Even ‘Change’ Is Still NeededFrum, who writes daily for National Review Online, and Sweet, Washington, D.C., bureau chief for the Chicago ‘Sun-Times,’ discuss the unexpected factors working against Obama, Palin’s resilience, and what bearing past elections have — or don’t have — on this one.
  22. the spin game
    Let’s Play the Spin Game!We ask you to try and predict how the McCain camp will spin Sarah Palin’s ‘Bush Doctrine’ flub into a positive.
  23. early and often
    McCain Lauds Obama’s Community OrganizingThe Republican nominee backs down from his running mate’s mockery of Obama’s post-college service.
  24. early and often
    Sarah Palin Gives Democrats Her Much-Awaited First StumbleTwice yesterday, the Republican vice-presidential nominee seemed to slip up in her knowledge of Bush Iraq policy.
  25. photo op
    McCain and Obama Visit Ground ZeroThe presidential candidates were ‘cordial but somber’ during their joint visit to the World Trade Center site.
  26. early and often
    Palin Plays the Church Lady With Charlie GibsonPalin performs well in the first segment of her interview series with the ABC News anchor.
  27. instant politics
    David Frum and Kurt Andersen on McCain’s Latent Leftiness and Whether Democrats or Republicans Are More DisingenuousFrum, who writes daily for National Review Online, and ‘New York’ columnist Andersen discuss Obama’s faux outrage, conservative “anti-information,” and surprises a President McCain might have in store.
  28. when obsessions collide
    John McCain and Hathaello Celebrated His 70th Birthday in StyleBefore Obama and jail came between them, Hathaello and McCain were friends.
  29. in other news
    New York ‘Post’ Officially a ‘Joke’What does the tabloid’s gag cover of a pig in lipstick tell us about their priorities?
  30. early and often
    Keating: McCain Now Openly Indulging in (Political) PornographyWith his latest ad, falsely accusing Barack Obama of wanting to teach kindergartners about sex before they learn to read, John McCain’s 2008 campaign has become political pornography.
  31. instant politics
    Kurt Andersen and Markos Moulitsas on Barack Obama’s Big Disadvantage and the Future of the GOP’New York’ columnist Kurt Andersen and Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas discuss concocted gaffes, Sarah Palin’s historical significance to the Republican Party, and whether there’s any way to know which way the race will go.
  32. bons mots
    Model May Andersen on the 2008 Presidential CampaignThe feisty fashionista has exactly the same political worries as everyone else in America.
  33. early and often
    McCain: Obama Favors Ending Sexual Innocence of KindergartnersAdded to a string of other recent distortions by the McCain campaign, and the dawning realization that we will almost certainly never talk about a real issue again, some in the political commentariat can barely maintain their composure.
  34. early and often
    ‘Lipstick on a Pig’ Comment Forces McCain, Obama Camps to Switch RolesWhen everybody is mock-outraged, it makes us want to vote for nobody.
  35. instant politics
    Markos Moulitsas and Alex Pareene on McCain’s Mysterious Bump, Obama and the Electoral College, and Fetishizing the Undecided VoterToday, Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas and Gawker’s Alex Pareene discuss campaign lies, the movement to declaw the Electoral College, and why you shouldn’t be worried about the polls — yet.
  36. governor awesome
    Eye of Sauron Steve Schmidt Swoops in David Paterson’s DirectionWhen the governor voiced concern that Sarah Palin’s (and Rudy Giuliani’s) carefully-scripted mockery of Barack Obama’s community-organizing past might have been planned for its racial associations, the McCain camp was quick to go on counterattack.
  37. early and often
    McCain Campaign Could Give a Damn What Heart Has to Say About AnythingIf Steve Schmidt wants to play ‘Barracuda,’ he will play ‘Barracuda.’
  38. early and often
    Ironically, ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ Taking Campaigns to Exciting New PlacesMcCain has touted Palin’s bridge-killing heroism on the stump, but Obama is fighting back.
  39. gossipmonger
    Fat Joe Faces Off Against Daddy Yankee Over McCain SupportCould we have our first reggaeton political debate? And how early is too early for news about Michael Jackson’s dirty underwear? It’s all in your coffee-and-croissant gossip roundup!
  40. white men with money
    Meet Herb Allison, Fannie Mae’s New CEOHe advised John McCain in his 2000 campaign and worked for Merrill Lynch for almost 30 years. But to his employees at TIAA-Cref, he was notorious for another reason.
  41. liberal eastern media elites
    Sarah Palin and the Media Announce Cease-fireDespite an upcoming interview with Charlie Gibson, the McCain/Palin war with the media, like all of America’s other wars, isn’t likely to end soon.
  42. that’s the end of that
    NBC Tells Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews to Go to Their Rooms and Think About What They’ve DoneComplaints about liberal bias and on-air squabbling caused MSNBC to remand the anchors back to their own shows.
  43. early and often
    We Can’t Get Over Our Obsession With Sarah PalinAnd by ‘we,’ of course, we mean ‘America.’ What we learned about everyone’s favorite Alaska governor over the weekend.
  44. stating the obvious
    Shocker: New York ‘Post’ Endorses John McCainIn other news, bears announce preference for going number two among trees.
  45. early and often
    St. Paul Report: John McCain’s Roommates Were Not Like YoursWe run into someone who taught McCain everything he knows.
  46. early and often
    St. Paul Report: David Carr on Why This Will Be the Last Convention of Its KindIt was David Carr who gave us the best, most colorful assessment of what it was like to be a reporter here.
  47. A Slideshow of Hot Pictures of Levi JohnstonYes, we could have come up with a better headline, but let’s be honest. You know you want it.
  48. instant politics
    Ezra Klein and Alex Pareene on McCain’s Dreams for the Presidency and O’Reilly Versus Obama“McCain wants to be a great man of history, and that means doing what he’s got to do on domestic policy such that he’s the guy who gets to go to war with China.”
  49. Reactions: Speech of John McCain’s Life Met With Collective ‘Meh’How could you possibly allow another puke-green background!?!
  50. early and often
    McCain Throws Crumbs to Crowd Hungry for Red MeatWhereas Barack Obama needed to move toward the rest of his party to succeed last week, McCain needed to move away from his, and that ain’t easy at a convention.
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