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John Mccain

  1. great moments in rnc history
    Republican Dance Party Yields Awesome ‘Barracuda ’08’ VideoWell, basically everyone.
  2. early and often
    The McCains Break Vow Not to Discuss Service-Member SonsSince the beginning of the campaign, the McCains had refused to talk about their sons in the military. What changed?
  3. instant politics
    Tyler Cowen and Ezra Klein on Palin’s Speech and What Obama and McCain Would Each Accomplish — or Not — As PresidentFor today’s conversation, we bring together Tyler Cowen, a professor of economics at George Mason University who blogs at MarginalRevolution.com, and The American Prospect’s Ezra Klein.
  4. early and often
    Tepid Palin Introduction Video Better Left on Cutting-Room FloorThe RNC released the video that was meant to introduce the Alaska governor before her speech. In the end, it was dropped because speeches ran too long — and that’s a good thing.
  5. early and often
    Rove, Sebelius Urge Palin to Refrain From Chicken-CountingRove says the Republican V.P. nominee has tough times ahead, and Sebelius does her best to kick them off.
  6. early and often
    Giuliani Softens Up Democrats for Powerhouse PalinSarah Palin hit it out of the park last night. But the carefully calibrated buildup of last night’s speeches shows Republicans may not have been as confident as they seemed afterward.
  7. Peggy Noonan on McCain’s Campaign After Palin Pick: ‘It’s Over’The ‘Journal’ columnist and fellow conservative pundit Mike Murphy were busted badmouthing Sarah Palin’s political chances by an errant MSNBC microphone.
  8. early and often
    The McCain Camp Is ‘Shocked’ Over Obama Criticism and Media Scrutiny of PalinSteve Schmidt goes ballistic on Howie Kurtz, and delegates at the RNC turn on reporters. But what are they so mad about, really?
  9. company town
    Ben Stiller Is Moving Back in With His ParentsWell, sort of. He bought a $10 million duplex in the same building as his ’rents. Plus, Stephen Schwarzman has fallen off ‘Vanity Fair’s’ New Establishment list; Dennis Kozlowski appeals, and the ‘WSJ’ proudly unveils its new magazine, in today’s industry news.
  10. early and often
    Joe Lieberman Pleases, ConfusesWhen his speech appealed to independents and Democrats watching at home, it worked. When it just kind of confused the partisan crowd in attendance, it didn’t.
  11. early and often
    RNC Speakers Rally Troops to Best of Their AbilitiesThe first night of the Republican convention had scattered compelling moments and one great speaker, but as spectacle, it fell flat.
  12. early and often
    Levi ‘Sex on Skates’ Johnston Is Already in St. Paul for Republican ConventionThe hockey-playing hunk is set to join his pregnant girlfriend, Bristol Palin, as her mom accepts the Republican party’s vice-presidential nomination tonight.
  13. early and often
    Sarah Palin Jokes: Is McCain’s V.P. Making Politics Funny Again?We round up all of the ‘humor’ flying around the Internet about the Alaska governor, and still can’t quite decide if this season of ‘SNL’ is going to be funny again.
  14. early and often
    Sarah Palin Is Just Full of SurprisesAn avalanche of disclosures has led to questions regarding the seriousness with which John McCain vetted his running mate.
  15. in other news
    Raffaello Follieri Wooed McCain, TooAlso! Anne Hathaway finally publicly mentions her relationship with the accused con man.
  16. early and often
    We’re Sorry, But Palin Baby Daddy Levi Johnston Is Sex on SkatesYes, yes, yes. This whole teen pregnancy thing has everyone in a tizzy over whether John McCain made the wrong choice in a running mate. Can everybody just relax and take a second to admire a teenage sex machine, please?
  17. early and often
    McCain Taps Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for V.P.She’s got great conservative credentials, but with even less national experience than Barack Obama, will she help with independents?
  18. early and often
    Heilemann: Seven Ways Obama’s Speech Succeeded, and Why It Wasn’t PerfectWe knew he would be poised and stirring. But could he be effective? Here’s why the answer was yes.
  19. early and often
    Angry, Awesome John McCain Is Back!In an interview with ‘Time,’ the Republican candidate reveals the rage seething beneath his new, carefully scripted exterior.
  20. gossipmonger
    Governor Paterson Is Working His Tuchus Off in DenverCindy Adams reports that the lovable gov has been hauling butt around the Democratic National Convention. Plus, gossip about Chace Crawford (of course), Naomi Campbell, and Janice Dickinson.
  21. early and often
    John Kerry Finds His Voice in Time to Share Dem Spotlight With Bill ClintonWith effective, incendiary speeches, Clinton and Kerry stoke the Dem flames and warm up the convention for Obama’s address tonight.
  22. early and often
    Heilemann: Why the Democrats Are Failing in DenverMark Penn’s still causing trouble in Hillaryland, and the Democrats aren’t effectively framing McCain in negative terms.
  23. early and often
    Denver Dispatch: Will.I.Am on McCain, Muse‘And, you know what, I would like to overcome that kind of stuff. That’s beyond inspirational. That’s triumph. He is an inspiring guy.’
  24. early and often
    Jon Stewart: It’s Not McCain and Obama’s Lack of Humor, It’s the Media’sWho cares if the candidates can’t tell what is funny and what is not. That’s our job!
  25. early and often
    John McCain’s ‘Rebuttal’ to Madonna’s Concert Videos Makes Our Heads ExplodeJohn McCain, the presidential candidate who thinks that Obama has no political weight because he is a ‘celebrity,’ sees fit to respond to vague criticism from a sensationalist pop star.
  26. early and often
    Denver Dispatch: RZA on Coming Around to Obama, and Why McCain Might Be Like Rambo‘It’s like in every nation and every race, you have some people that are born as a prince because of the natural way they are.’
  27. early and often
    Yup, We’re Still Talking About the ClintonsIt’s safe to say this will probably never, ever end.
  28. gossipmonger
    The ‘Swift Boat’ People Start Doing Their Thing With McCainPlus, Samantha Ronson and Lindsay Lohan go baby shopping, and Cameron Diaz is totally in love with Jennifer Aniston’s ex! That and more in our daily gossip roundup.
  29. early and often
    Obama Picks Biden As Running MateAnd he totally woke people all over the country up at 3 a.m. to tell them about it.
  30. early and often
    ‘Houses’ Gaffe Spiraling Into All-Out WarMakes those days of endless squabbles over health-care mandates seem quaint.
  31. early and often
    Team Obama Hit the Ground Running With McCain ‘Houses’ GaffeWhen McCain slipped up and couldn’t remember how many houses he owns (four to seven, actually), the Democratic nominee and his minions immediately began using it to their advantage.
  32. early and often
    The Insider’s Guide to Election PollsDon’t believe the pundits! Why that five-point lead for McCain doesn’t mean much, the Verizon Effect could be crucial, and you should ignore the exit polls on November 4.
  33. early and often
    Joe Lieberman Momentarily at the Center of the Political UniverseThe jowly senator from Connecticut finds himself at the center of two campaign firestorms.
  34. early and often
    Will McCain’s Surrogates Bring Up Barack Obama’s Destitute Kenyan Brother?Italian ‘Vanity Fair’ recently tracked down the candidate’s youngest half-brother outside of Nairobi, and learned that he lives on less than a dollar a month and sometimes has to fight for his own safety. Who wants to chat that up on Fox News?
  35. early and often
    GOP Confirms: Joe Lieberman to Speak at Republican National ConventionBut will this really affect independent voters?
  36. early and often
    Voters Souring on Obama As Never BeforeHis momentum has vanished, the race has drawn to a dead heat, and Republicans are, maybe for the first time, showing some real optimism.
  37. early and often
    Heilemann: McCain’s Pro-Choice V.P. BluffThe alarm bells started ringing last week in the rightmost corners of Republican Nation, when John McCain suggested to ‘The Weekly Standard’ that the door was still open to the possibility of his naming Tom Ridge as his running mate.
  38. early and often
    Bloomberg: Tired of McCain and Obama’s Energy ‘Pandering’At a clean energy summit in Las Vegas, Hizzoner takes aim at the presidential candidates.
  39. early and often
    Who Won the Showdown at Saddleback?Pastor Rick was able to summon sides of the candidates we can’t usually see in standard debates.
  40. early and often
    The Real Reason McCain’s Age Might MatterSince Joe Lieberman has taken to calling Barack Obama a “young man,” isn’t it time to finally ask: Is John McCain too old to be president?
  41. early and often
    Jerome Corsi’s Anti-Obama Book Makes James Frey Look Like PlutarchBut guess what? It’s a best seller.
  42. photo op
    Cindy McCain Will Put Herself in Harm’s Way to Make You Feel WelcomeIf that’s not a qualification for First Ladyship, we don’t know what is.
  43. early and often
    Now Is the Key Moment for Energy in the Presidential RaceA group of five Democratic and five Republican senators is pushing compromise legislation that could blunt GOP attacks.
  44. early and often
    Songs About Obama Are Music to His EarsThe candidates reveal their favorite songs; and we read too much into it.
  45. summering
    Nina Garcia’s Bathing Suit Is Like Her Invisibility CloakWhen she wears it, she says, the only people who see her are Tinsley Mortimer and Marjorie Gubelmann. Meanwhile, this past weekend boldfaced names like Gwyneth Paltrow and Peter Cook feigned invisibility — but you would have seen them if you were there. Because in the Hamptons, there’s nowhere to hide.
  46. early and often
    Russia, Georgia Helpfully Provide National-Security Test for CandidatesThere may be no winners in war, but who’s coming out on top in this political test?
  47. gossipmonger
    Brody Jenner Wants You to Know He Is Totally a StudJust in case there’s anyone left on earth who is not clear on the fact that Brody Jenner gets, like, MAD ASS, someone has planted a “Page Six” item that drives the point home. Also, Lydia Hearst is a supermodel, dammit, Dennis Hopper thinks his new movie is wack, and someone has a titanium AmEx they want you to know about, in today’s gossip roundup.
  48. company town
    McCain Campaign Rewarding Commenting SpammersPlus, the latest on Wall Street, Gold Street, and your street, in our daily industry roundup.
  49. early and often
    Paris Hilton Wins Political Ad BattleParis Hilton’s response to John McCain’s “Celeb” ad hits him right where it hurts — the jowls.
  50. early and often
    Sky Falling on ObamaUntil the next swing in the polls, here’s why Obama’s candidacy is fundamentally flawed.
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