McCain Already Sputtering?Some Republicans are worried that McCain has failed to capitalize on his months-long head start.
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Veep Speculation Runs Rampant, With or Without Clinton and ObamaLet’s be honest, the veepstakes is the funnest part of any presidential election. It’s like drafting your fantasy baseball team, except you’re not drunk and your Internet didn’t freeze right when you were picking.
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All the Right People Criticize Obama Over IranForeign policy is clearly where McCain feels he’s stronger than Obama. Of course, the punditry is divided over whether that’s actually the case.
Obama’s Iraq Trip: Political Quagmire?John McCain is making hay of Barack Obama not having been to Iraq since 2006, when the Democrat made his only visit. (Can you blame him? It’s last on our list of places to go.)
Can John McCain Save the Republican Party?So far have spirits fallen that in a memo last week, Republican congressman Tom Davis of Virginia said, “If we were a dog food, they would take us off the shelf.”
Who’s Ready to Pick a Vice-President?Clinton will run with Obama if he’ll have her, which he probably won’t, while McCain has morbid people pointing out the importance of his selection.
The General Election Begins! So Who’s Gonna Win?Looking forward, what are some of the weaknesses and obstacles that the candidates will have to overcome, besides the endorsement of terrorist groups and possible senility?
Olbermann Plays Nice With Hillary on ‘Countdown’By cable-news standards, Olbermann was restrained during his interview with Hillary Clinton last night; by Olbermann’s standards, he was almost sedated.
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Clinton and Obama Finally Throw Down With WWEOn ‘Raw’ the two candidates (with a little encouragement from McCain), finally get down and dirty. They even use “The People’s Elbow”!!
The Long View: Bittergate’s Lasting EffectsOne would assume that insulting a large block of swing voters is not a good thing, but perhaps they’ve been too busy hunting, praying, and hating immigrants to really care.
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All Aboard the Wishy-Washy ExpressIn which we detail how the Democrat attack machine is already revealing how it plans to take down John McCain.
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McCain He IsThe presidential candidate confuses Brooklyn residents by choosing an unlikely location in which to announce his new economic plan.