Displaying all articles tagged:

John Sampson

  1. oh albany!
    New York Political Corruption Case to Get Even Bigger Shirley Huntley was busy with her wire.
  2. local politics
    Yet Another New York Politician to Be Charged With CorruptionThis time it’s State Senator John L. Sampson.
  3. oh albany!
    What Cuomo Gets Out of This Latest Aqueduct ScandalAnother boost!
  4. early and awful
    New Report Accuses Democrats of Cronyism Over the Aqueduct Race Track In QueensThis doesn’t look good for Albany Democrats.
  5. oh albany!
    Someone in Albany Got an Expensive SUVThis is the same someone who once slammed another someone for doing the same thing.
  6. oh albany!
    New York Budget Situation Still a Big MessThe legislature comes up with its own plan, one that isn’t making Governor Paterson happy.
  7. budget mess
    Hooray, New York’s Government Won’t Shut DownThe legislature accedes to Paterson’s demands. Bet that stings.
  8. budget mess
    Governor Paterson Dares Legislature to Shut Down GovernmentWould the legislature dare?
  9. ballsy state senators
    State Senate Panel Wants Monserrate Expelled, Or CensuredExpelled seems like the right choice.
  10. equal rites
    The Politics of New York’s Gay Marriage DefeatWhy the state senate vote went down the way it did, and what happens next.
  11. oh albany!
    Budget Fight Has Made Albany Even More Crotchety Than UsualPaterson, Sampson, and Silver all hate each other, reportedly.
  12. equal rites
    Gay-Marriage Vote by End of Year, Say Governor, Senate LeadershipAs the State Senate ignored yet another call for a vote on the issue, gay activists began raising the pressure.
  13. oh albany!
    Paterson Stresses the Importance of Cuts to Education, Medicaid in Special Joint SessionThe proposed cuts to education and Medicaid total over $750 million but, to be fair, New York spends more money on Medicaid than any other state.
  14. equal rites
    As Paterson Calls Senate Back on Gay Marriage, Tide Is Against Taking a VoteThere are too many factors against putting marriage equality to a vote to make it likely we’ll even see how people feel about the issue itself.
  15. the cuddle muddle
    New York Dems Are Completely Behind Paterson, With Many CaveatsYeesh, it doesn’t get much less enthusiastic than this.
  16. State Senate Continues Responsible HiringNah, we’re kidding. But why change now?
  17. oh albany!
    Espada: I’m Coming Home to DemocratsUnwilling to let David Paterson appear to solve the State Senate stalemate, rebel Democrat Pedro Espada says he’s returning to the fold and solving the problem that he started.
  18. the third terminator
    Bloomberg Flouts State Senate’s Efforts to End Mayoral Control of SchoolsThe Board of Education met briefly yesterday to give power back to Schools Chancellor Joel Klein.
  19. albany chaos
    Answering Your Questions About the Chaos in AlbanyEverything you need to know about why nothing is getting done in our State Senate.
  20. albany coup
    Monserrate Meets With Sampson and DemocratsCould the Great Coup of 2009 be on shaky ground?
  21. early and often
    GOP State Senator: Let’s Hire a Locksmith!Breaking into the State Senate chamber is just the latest awesome plan out of Albany.