Displaying all articles tagged:

Kristen Johnston

  1. gossipmonger
    Heidi Klum Doesn’t Mind If You Catch Her NakedAnd we don’t mind if we do.
  2. 21 questions
    Kristen Johnston Is Just Trying to Stay SaneThe actress answers our usual 21 questions.
  3. summering
    Paul McCartney, Jimmy Buffett, and Jon Bon Jovi Were All in the Same Place This WeekendBy which we mean the Hamptons, which stocks only one genre of musicians: rich ones. Find out where they and others ate, drank, and were merry in our weekly summer wrap-up.
  4. in other news
    Smoker Falls Four Stories, Lives to Destroy Lungs Another DayIt’s an amazing story, which makes us remember that amazing scene from ‘Sex and the City’!
  5. gossipmonger
    Kristen Johnston Turns Forgetful Into FunnyFormer mayor Ed Koch said his scariest moment in office was when a bunch of doctors threw eggs at his face during the Iran hostage crisis. Kristen Johnston forgot her lines while performing at The 24 Hour Plays. Bill Clinton said that he’d like to do a makeover of Grumpy Old Men with Bill Crystal if Hillary is elected president. An assortment of famous folks ate at both Le Cirque and the Waverley Inn. Donald Trump’s brother, Robert, and wife Blaine got a divorce. Ben Affleck said he’d rather worship Satan than flip baseball-team loyalty à la Rudy Giuliani. Maybe fat Ryan Gosling hung out with a hot brunette at Rose Bar.