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Marriage Equality

  1. same-sex marriage
    Don’t Confuse Pope Francis’s ‘Blessing’ With Marriage EqualityWhile progressives welcome the Vatican allowing the blessing of same-sex couples, the church’s stance on marriage won’t change anytime soon.
  2. marriage equality
    Alabama May Abolish Marriage Licenses to Protect Homophobic JudgesIt’s far less harmful than abolishing public schools to avoid desegregation, but it’s the same basic idea.
  3. On the 150th Birthday of the 14th Amendment, Its Future Hangs in the BalanceTrump may not know the 14th Amendment from the 14th floor of one of his hotels, but his second SCOTUS pick could greatly affect its interpretation.
  4. Tim Farron Not Dropped As Leader of Britain’s LibDems Because of His ReligionA proposed new martyr to the Christian conservative cause, U.K. LibDem leader Tim Farron, may feel persecuted, but a bad election really did him in.
  5. lgbt rights
    Alabama Chief Justice Suspended for Blocking Same-Sex MarriageRoy Moore said he intends to fight the suspension.
  6. Alabama Supreme Court Justice Bans Same-Sex Marriage (Again)Oh, hey, it’s Roy Moore.
  7. gun control
    Why Gun Control Could Be Like Marriage EqualityOrganizers are following the same three-part plan.
  8. the national interest
    Marriage Equality and the Modern Social RevolutionA period of cultural transformation as rapid and deep as anything since the 1960s.
  9. equal rites
    Alaska Becomes 30th State to Allow Gay MarriageA federal judge struck down its same-sex marriage ban.
  10. vegas baby
    Las Vegas Finally Gets Into the Gay-Weddings GameBut did it lose its chance to become a leading destination?
  11. equal rites
    Conservative Judge May Become Gay-Marriage HeroThe Sixth Circuit’s Jeffrey Sutton is an unlikely swing vote.
  12. Republican Congressman Backs Gay Marriage Because ‘Life Is Too Short’A week after a judge struck down his state’s gay-marriage ban.
  13. scotus
    Supreme Court Gay-Marriage Primer: Prop 8, DOMAArguments start today; get familiar.
  14. equal rites
    Republicans Urge SCOTUS to Support Gay MarriageThey argue it supports “limited government and maximizing individual freedom.”
  15. equal rites
    Obama Enjoys Perks of Gay Marriage Shift at Hollywood LGBT Fund-raisersObama parties with Ellen DeGeneres and Ryan Murphy from ‘Glee’.
  16. equal rites
    Goldman Sachs CEO Says Supporting Gay Marriage Is ‘Not Without a Price’CEO Lloyd Blankfein described the business consequences today.
  17. equal rites
    Lloyd Blankfein Has a New GigAs a gay marriage spokesman.
  18. marriage equality
    Senators Who Voted for Gay Marriage Get DonationsThe good kind of consequences.
  19. early and often
    Dov Hikind Hates Gay Marriage So Much He’s Willing to Suspend Party AllegianceIn the special election to replace Anthony Weiner in the House, Hikind’s considering supporting Republican Bob Turner.
  20. equal rites
    Roughly One in Four New York City Newlyweds is GayAugust is a busy month for weddings.
  21. equal rites
    First Lawsuit to Overturn Marriage Equality in New York Already StymiedThanks, Fred Dicker!
  22. equal wrongs
    The First Lawsuit Seeking to Overturn New York’s Gay-Marriage Law Is HereGovernor Cuomo’s spokesman calls it “without merit.”
  23. equal rites
    Images From Yesterday’s Gay Weddings in New YorkWe sent photographer Jim Kiernan to document the happy day.
  24. equal rites
    Marriage Equality Is Really Exciting for Some MomsThat’s what the ‘Times’ tells us.
  25. equal rites
    Watch Al Franken Shred Focus on the Family’s Tom Minnery on Marriage-Equality Deceit“I frankly don’t really know how we can trust the rest of your testimony if you are reading studies these ways.”
  26. equal rites
    National Organization for Marriage Targets Marriage Equality Flip-FloppersThey’ve spent $150,000 on mailers in seven districts.
  27. the gods must be crazy
    Archbishop Timothy Dolan Defends His Halfhearted Fight Against Marriage Equality in New York“Whatever, I didn’t want to have a say in this anyway.”
  28. equal rites
    By the Way, New York City Gay Couples, You Can Register to Marry TodayBut you may have to pick who is the “bride” and who is the “groom.”
  29. cuomolot
    Governor Cuomo: A Straight Man of a Different HueSome thoughts on our governor, the man.
  30. equal rites
    Marriage, New York Style: Frank Rich and Adam Moss Talk About Andrew Cuomo, Larry Kramer … and Alice PlaytenA civil rights landmark, plus the latest production of ‘The Normal Heart’ and a tribute to the actress Alice Playten.
  31. secretary of awesome
    Hillary Clinton May Be ‘Evolving’ Toward Gay Marriage Quicker Than Her BossAt an event this week she seemed to cheer New York’s legislative ruling.
  32. equal rites
    Archbishop Timothy Dolan Has Been ‘a Little Down Recently’Wait, why?
  33. equal rites
    For Gay Couples, Now the Pressure’s On!“When are YOU going to get married?”
  34. equal rites
    New York Gets In Bed With Gay Marriage, Celebrates AccordinglyThere were Champagne flutes.
  35. equal rites
    Gay Marriage All Goes According to Andrew Cuomo’s PlanDespite some frustrating twists and ugly uncertainties, the same-sex-marriage endgame unfolded just as Andrew Cuomo drew it up months ago.
  36. equal rites
    Trailblazing: A History of Gay Rights in New YorkWith Friday’s landmark passage of a same-sex-marriage bill, Albany added to New York’s long history as a center of progress on gay and lesbian rights.
  37. equal rites
    Marriage Equality Act Passed by State Senate 33–29The tension is finally over.
  38. equal rites
    Religious-Exemption Amendments to Marriage-Equality Bill Pass State Assembly 82–47The Senate, meanwhile, is burning through bills at a fast clip.
  39. equal rites
    Senate Will Vote on Marriage Equality Act Tonight, Religious Exemptions Agreed UponThis could mean nothing.
  40. equal rites
    Property-Tax-Cap and Rent-Regulation Bill Being Printed, Republicans ‘Just Getting to’ Marriage-Equality DiscussionsNot much progress so far today.
  41. equal rites
    Daily Show Picks Up on One of the Many Elements of Absurdity in Albany This WeekNamely: corn.
  42. equal rites
    State Senate Going Home for the Night, No Vote on Same-Sex Marriage, Rent Regulation, or Property-Tax Cap“No votes.”
  43. equal rites
    Republican State Senator Greg Ball a ‘No’ on Marriage Equality, But Expects a Vote Tonight and a PassThere are still three undecideds, as tentative as they are.
  44. early and often
    Obama at Manhattan LGBT Fund-raiser: Gay Couples Deserve ‘Same Legal Rights’ As Straight CouplesThat’s not quite an endorsement of marriage.
  45. party chat
    Gawker Boss Nick Denton Is ‘a Little Tired’ of Being Jaded, and Yes, He Wants to Get MarriedThe new-media guru hosted a marriage-equality event last night.
  46. equal rites
    State Senate ‘Close’ to Final Language on Religious Protections in Marriage-Equality Bill [Updated]Republican senator: “I see it coming to the floor.”
  47. oh albany!
    Still No Votes on Marriage Equality or Rent-Regulation and Property-Tax-Cap Omnibus Bill in AlbanyWhy hurry?
  48. equal rites
    Could a Public Referendum Be the Republicans’ Lifeline From This Marriage-Equality Mess?That could be one result of a meeting this afternoon.
  49. equal rites
    Mario Batali, Audra McDonald Join Pro-Marriage-Equality Protesters in AlbanyAlso, state troopers.
  50. equal rites
    Rent-Regulation and Property-Tax Deal Likely to Be Voted on Tonight in State SenateNo marriage equality, though.
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