Why Biden’s Candidacy May SurviveHe’s been left for dead by many observers, but Nevada and especially South Carolina could revive him in time for Super Tuesday.
Man Who Owns News Outlet Guilty of PlagiarismMichael Bloomberg copied entire sections of his policy platform from various news outlets — despite employing journalists on his campaign.
Elizabeth Warren’s Tough Road AheadShe’s now clearly trailing Sanders as the progressive favorite, but still has some potential as a “unity candidate.”
The Geriatric Scenario for 2020Before Super Tuesday, late-septuagenarians Biden, Sanders and Bloomberg could be the last viable candidates opposing 74-year-old Trump.
ByEd Kilgore
vision 2020
Why Nobody Can Prevent the All-White Debate StageThere’s no formula for adding nonwhite candidates to debates that won’t add more white candidates as well, reversing the winnowing of the nonviable.