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Michele Bachmann Overdrive

  1. michele bachmann overdrive
    The ‘End Times’ Are Upon Us, According to Michele BachmannHelping the Syrian rebels was a really big mistake.
  2. michele bachmann overdrive
    Michele Bachmann’s Challenger Only Wanted to Run Against Michele Bachmann“Mission accomplished.”
  3. michele bachmann overdrive
    Campaign Staff Says Bachmann Won’t Pay ThemSupposedly, she won’t pay until they sign non-disclosure agreements.
  4. michele bachmann overdrive
    Michele Bachmann Almost Lost Her House Seat [Updated]And could be facing a recount.
  5. michele bachmann overdrive
    Minnesota May Not Care About Bachmann’s ‘McCarthyistic Witch Hunt’In fact, it might help her.
  6. michele bachmann overdrive
    Bachmann’s Husband Spent the Day Before Iowa Caucuses Buying Doggie SunglassesWell, someone’s got to get the pooch some shades.
  7. bachmann ambition overdrive
    Michele Bachmann Is Unhappy That American Troops Have Been Sent to Both Libya and AfricaShe’s still not great with geography.
  8. bachmann ambition overdrive
    ‘Not scripted.’“This is the nail in the coffin in her campaign.”
  9. michele bachmann overdrive
    Ladies and Gentlemen: Michele Bachmann OverdriveThe band.