Displaying all articles tagged:

Mika Brzezinski

  1. morning shows
    Scarborough and Brzezinski Respond to Trump’s Crazy Murder Accusation“Today the president crossed another deeply disturbing line.”
  2. profile
    Joe and Mika (and Donald): A Beltway Love StoryJoe, Mika, and their star-crossed relationship with the president.
  3. Morning Joe: Trump Threatened Negative Enquirer Story If We Didn’t Beg For MercyOne day after Trump’s Twitter attack, Joe and Mika declare the president unwell — and say the White House threatened them with bad tabloid coverage.
  4. With Nasty Tweets, Trump Steps on His Immigration Message, Big LeagueToday should have been a day of celebration for legislative action on Trump’s immigration agenda. Instead, he went on Twitter and stepped all over it.
  5. the most important people in the world
    Mika Brzezinski Shaming Miley Cyrus: Video“That was disgusting and embarrassing.”
  6. cable news news
    Mika Brzezinski Says Joe Scarborough Is Like a ‘Gay Stylist’An unexpected description!
  7. party chat
    Kathleen Parker’s Next Book Will be Called Shoot the BastardsWhich bastards, exactly?
  8. cable news news
    CBS Looking to Woo Morning Joe?Seems crazy. But maybe?
  9. video
    Watch Mika Brzezinski’s Giggle Attack on Morning JoeWhat’s so funny?
  10. 21 questions
    Mika Brzezinski Likes Her Vodka WarmThe MSNBC host answers our usual 21 questions.
  11. in other news
    Morning Joe Defends ‘Mommy’ Brzezinski Against Glenn BeckWillie Geist, for one, wants to meet Beck out back in the parking lot.
  12. gossipmonger
    Jill Zarin Loses Approximately Twenty Pounds of BoobThe ‘Real Housewife’ got a breast reduction that a source said made her “feel twenty pounds lighter.” Plus more celebrity TMI, in our daily gossip roundup!
  13. american heroes
    Joe Scarborough Threatens to Go Vigilante After Mika Brzezinski Gets MuggedThis is why we love ‘Morning Joe.’