The Union Club Is Like an Adult Frat, But Not in a Fun, ‘Old-School’ WayMEDIA
• Yesterday at the Union Club, reporters specifically invited by the Manhattan Institute to hear Mayor Bloomberg and Jeb Bush speak were instructed to leave the room before the speeches began. “The police are right outside,” one club worker told them. “If you don’t leave, we’re going to call them in.” You have to wonder if this was merely an administrative fumble, or the old-guy version of that frat-party game where dudes invite fat chicks to parties so they can make fun of them. [NYS, NYO]
• However! The Manhattan Institute has since apologized to the press for the Union Club’s behavior, and they put Bush’s remarks online. It’s only audio, though, we wonder why? We can only assume it’s because at the Union Club, all speeches are done naked. [Manhattan Institute via NYO]
• Janice Min: “It’s off-putting when a junior employee tells you they want to be editor in chief.” Instead, just try to make yourself indispensable: “I was the easy solution. Make yourself the easy solution.” Or just make yourself easy. [WWD]
Bill Clinton Made Rosie O’Donnell CryRosie O’Donnell burst into tears after Bill Clinton called her and apologized for being unfaithful to his wife. The guy who won the marathon said he did so by refraining from sex and eating pasta. Katie Holmes said her marathon run was “hard, but good.” (She also wore a velvet Hermès gown to a Museum of the Moving Image event honoring her husband.) Damien Hirst installed a bunch of dead sheep carcasses in formaldehyde tanks at Lever House. Ousted Citigroup chief Chuck Prince didn’t say hi to Sandy Weill at the Four Seasons. Annie Lennox gave a bunch of fans the finger. Governor Spitzer, Governor Corzine, and Nora Ephron went on a triple date to Cafe Boulud.