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Nancy Grace

  1. cable news news
    The 2 Chainz–Nancy Grace Weed Debate Is As Amazing As It SoundsWe have #Pot2Blame for this instant classic.
  2. great moments in cable news
    The Most Insane Nancy Grace Moment of All TimeWatch the cable news host inform a Detroit man his missing son was found in his basement, live on TV.
  3. crimes and misdemeanors
    New York Man Really Wanted to Kill Nancy Grace for Jodi AriasHe was caught with a car full of supplies.
  4. nicknames
    Nancy Grace Explains What the Heck ‘Tot Mom’ MeansThe lame moniker actually has a reasonable explanation.
  5. bons mots
    Moving Forward, Bill Maher Would Like Nancy Grace’s Alibi Every Time Someone Is Killed“I’m not saying she did it …”
  6. gossipmonger
    ‘21’ Had to Go Ahead and Spill That Dubya’s Never VisitedYou were almost in the clear, guys, but now he might show up. Also, Taylor Momsen, you are so not as famous as you think you are in Maryland. So declares the gossip roundup!
  7. gossipmonger
    Bella Abzug Was Not in ‘The Apartment’Congresswoman Bella Azbug was once asked to be a stand-in for Shirley MacLaine in The Apartment, but she declined. On the set of her first movie, Kim Cattrall was told she resembled Marilyn Monroe, “not in looks, of course, but in lack of talent.” Harold Ford and three blondes hung out at Blue Ribbon Sushi till 2 a.m. Chris Robinson is happy that ex Kate Hudson is dating Dax Shepard because now he has more time to hang out with their 3-year-old son. The kiddie imprint of Simon & Schuster is releasing a guide to orgy etiquette. Ted Turner still owes merely $642 million of the $1 billion he pledged to donate to the U.N. a decade ago. Elton John once tried to commit suicide by sticking his head in an oven, though he used a pillow and put the gas on low.
  8. gossipmonger
    Albrecht Out at HBOHBO chairman Chris Albrecht was forced to resign last night after allegedly beating up his girlfriend Sunday, likely because this wasn’t his first domestic assault. Harvey Weinstein had to explain to girlfriend Georgina Chapman that Elie Wiesel was notable for being “in a concentration camp” at the Time 100 fête. And Jessica Simpson dressed conservatively at the event to not draw attention from boyfriend and honoree John Mayer. Cameron Diaz went to a sex show at the Box the night before appearing on the Today show. Josh Hartnett and Helena Christensen sang karaoke together. Lorne Michaels sang karaoke at oil heir William Hess’s bar mitzvah. Nancy Grace is trying to get on The View now that she’s out at Court TV. NBC News’ David Gregory may be Don Imus’s replacement.