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New York Beginnings

  1. new york beginnings
    Not That Long Ago, New York Really Was Governed From a Smoke-filled BackroomAs late as 1989, an undemocratic entity called the Board of Estimate made the city’s key decisions. When it was banned, a new political era was born.
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    How to Succeed in Advertising (and Transform the Internet While You’re At It)Programmatic built the modern internet. And Right Media, inventors of the first ad exchange, built programmatic advertising.
  3. new york beginnings
    The Crime-Fighting Program That Changed New York ForeverIs CompStat’s main legacy safe streets or stop and frisk?
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    How a Group of Computer Geeks and English Majors Transformed Wall StreetIn the 1980s, a quiet hedge fund located above a Marxist bookstore launched a revolution that would change finance (and give us Amazon).
  5. The Megamall–Hotel–Condo–Concert Hall That Ate New York CityTime Warner Center and the West Side it made.