Could Biden Move Left on National Security?His party-unifying repositioning on domestic policy might extend to such topics as the Pentagon spending cuts that Sanders and Warren have promoted.
10 Problems With NYT Mag’s Ben Rhodes ProfileDavid Samuels’s lamentation of the White House’s propaganda is, itself, a work of agitprop. Also, it attributes a quote to Samantha Power’s sneakers.
ByEric Levitz
The Paradox of the First Black PresidentAs the historic administration nears its final year, African-American leaders debate: Did Barack Obama do enough for his own community?
ByJennifer Senior
The Paradox of the First Black PresidentAs the historic administration nears its final year, African-American leaders debate: Did Barack Obama do enough for his own community?
Clinton’s ‘Muscular’ Foreign-Policy ManifestoThe secretary of State’s address today to the Council on Foreign Relations reminds the world that though the Obama administration may emphasize finesse, they haven’t forgotten how to exert force.
Hillary Clinton Finally Confirmed!Now David Paterson, we don’t mean to raise our voices with you, but there’s really no reason for you to continue delaying your announcement of who will replace her.