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Oracle Of Omaha

  1. ink-stained wretches
    Newspaper ‘Addict’ Warren Buffett Pretty Much Just Winging ItHe has no plan to save print — just money!
  2. oracle of omaha
    Buffett Entertains at Berkshire Annual MeetingBuffett still hasn’t revealed his successor.
  3. oracle of omaha
    Warren Buffett Has CancerHe says it’s “not remotely life-threatening.”
  4. oracle of omaha
    Warren Buffett Wants to Save America With a Pledge DriveSeems reasonable.
  5. oracle of omaha
    ‘Warren Buffett’s Secretary’ Is the Democrats’ Joe the PlumberIt’s all very ‘Mad Men.’
  6. white men with money
    Warren Buffett’s New Hire Isn’t Kidding Around When It Comes to LunchHow best to spend $5 million on two meals.