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Prisoner Of War

  1. prisoner of war
    What ‘Serial’ Listeners Should Know About the Bowe Bergdahl CaseYou can still join in the theorizing, even if you haven’t been following the story.
  2. prisoner of war
    Bowe Bergdahl Tells ‘His Own Story’ to Army InvestigatorHis lawyer said it was “unadversarial,” with “not a thumbscrew in sight.”
  3. prisoner of war
    Why Bowe Bergdahl Is Back on Active DutyIt may just be a prelude to disciplinary action.
  4. prisoner of war
    Bowe Bergdahl Is Going Back on Active DutySix weeks after being released from Taliban captivity.
  5. prisoner of war
    Bowe Bergdahl Has Been Venturing Out in PublicIt seems his reception has been positive, so far.
  6. prisoner of war
    Army Has ‘No Reason to Believe’ Bergdahl Collaborated With the TalibanThough they’ve yet to question him.
  7. prisoner of war
    Bowe Bergdahl Moved to Outpatient TreatmentA week and a half after returning to the United States. 
  8. prisoner of war
    Bowe Bergdahl Is Back in AmericaThe “reintegration process” could last weeks or longer.