Displaying all articles tagged:

Republican Party

  1. unfriend
    If Republicans Hate Silicon Valley, Why Don’t They Do Something About It?Republicans complain that Twitter and Facebook are out to get them, but it’s liberal customers who have the real power.
  2. supreme court
    Republicans Are Daring Democrats to Expand the Supreme CourtIn recent days, the GOP has done more to radicalize moderate Democrats on judicial issues than progressives ever could.
  3. climate change
    Republicans Put the Oil Industry Above Economic GrowthThe GOP is what it purports to oppose: A party that would rather subsidize its favorite declining industries than promote creative destruction.
  4. politics
    Jared Kushner Told the Truth About Republicans and Black PeopleThe president’s son-in-law said what a lot of conservatives really believe.
  5. politics
    17 Republicans Refuse to Condemn QAnon in House VoteThey did so even after a Democratic colleague was targeted with death threats by the conspiracy’s followers a few days earlier.
  6. politics
    Jacob Wohl May Have Screwed Up for Good This TimeThe young dirty trickster and his sidekick, already infamous for false smears, are charged with felonies over alleged robocalls to scare Black voters.
  7. q&a
    The Conservative Case for Organized LaborA dissident conservative think tank — and Marco Rubio — is calling on the GOP to embrace collective-bargaining rights.
  8. scandals
    What We Know About Louis DeJoy’s Campaign Finance ScandalThe postmaster general allegedly operated an illegal “straw-donor” scheme at his former company.
  9. authoritarianism
    Many GOP Voters Value America’s Whiteness More Than Its DemocracyA new study found that anti-democratic sentiments have broad support among GOP voters — especially those who resent nonwhites’ political power.
  10. vision 2020
    Kanye West’s Presidential Campaign Is Both Proceeding and UnravelingSeveral electors submitted by West’s campaign in Virginia were shocked and dismayed to learn they had signed up to be electors for the rapper.
  11. vision 2020
    The Chaotic, Desperate, Last-Minute Trump 2020 RebootInside the most disorganized, unscrupulous, self-sabotaging presidential campaign since the last one.
  12. vision 2020
    Kanye West Trying to Get on Ballot in Two More Purple StatesThe rapper registered as a Republican in Wyoming after announcing his presidential campaign.
  13. coronavirus stimulus
    The GOP’s Big Lie About Why COVID Stimulus Talks FailedMcConnell accuses Democrats of holding relief hostage to ideological priorities unrelated to the pandemic, but that is precisely what he did.
  14. conservatism
    ‘Working Class’ Conservatism Doesn’t Work Without UnionsSelf-styled “populist” Republicans — who oppose pro-labor policies — are just Reaganites in different clothes.
  15. vision 2020
    Two People Linked to Kanye West’s Campaign Have Ties to GOPA 2020 RNC Trump delegate from Vermont and a longtime Republican operative have both been connected to the rapper’s presidential bid.
  16. sometimes trump
    Trump and the GOP Establishment Are Falling Out of LoveAs his odds of reelection dwindle, the marriage of convenience between Trump and the conservative old guard is starting to fray.
  17. republican party
    The GOP Coalition Is Getting More Working-Class. Its Agenda Isn’t.A post-Trump, putatively “populist” GOP may make gains with working people. But there’s no sign it will serve their interests.
  18. just asking questions
    David Shor’s Unified Theory of American PoliticsA socialist data scientist (and supposed cancel-culture victim) details all he learned from eight years at the apex of Democratic consulting.
  19. vision 2020
    Could Trump Go the Way of Herbert Hoover?“The Great Humanitarian” was remembered as feckless and cruel. Can the feckless and cruel Trump fare better in a national catastrophe?
  20. coronavirus
    Trump Wants to Open the Country, But Republicans Don’t Want to Pay for TestingRepublican lawmakers want to avoid federal funding for coronavirus tests, despite the necessity for such a project to safely reopen the economy.
  21. labor
    Trump’s Labor Department Fights to Protect Workers From BenefitsEugene Scalia is working hard to shield Uber drivers from the threat of income support.
  22. republican party
    The Wisconsin GOP Is Risking Voters’ Lives to Protect Its Minority RuleRepublicans are disenfranchising voters by holding an election mid-pandemic so that they can keep disenfranchising Democrats through gerrymanders.
  23. coronavirus
    Texas Republican: ‘Lots of Grandparents’ Willing to Die to Save Economy for KidsDan Patrick, 69, said he would “take a chance” on his survival if it meant the immediate end of social distancing and the ramp-up of the economy.
  24. the economy
    The GOP’s Relief Bill Is Too Right-Wing for the Right’s Own GoodRepublican penny-pinching could doom Trump — and American capitalism as we’ve known it.
  25. senate trial
    Susan Collins: Trump Has ‘Learned’ a ‘Pretty Big Lesson’ From ImpeachmentIt’s unlikely that a president who said the Constitution gives him “the right to do whatever I want” would learn anything from his acquittal.
  26. impeachment
    GOP Senator Suggests Her Party Is Using Ukraine to Hurt Biden in the PrimaryJoni Ernst contradicted the talking point that Trump was simply rooting out corruption, with no intention of hurting Biden’s electoral shot.
  27. vision 2020
    The Left-Wing Realignment of American Politics Has Already BegunAs centrist Democrats run to the left of yesteryear’s progressives, Republicans are pushing for green energy investment and aid to the poor.
  28. iran
    Trump’s De-escalatory Remarks on Iran Strike Appease GOP HawksMore relieving than Trump’s decision not to escalate may be the GOP’s welcome reception, considering that he is notoriously reluctant to appear weak.
  29. president trump
    Trump Conquered the GOP by Surrendering to Its EstablishmentThe president has forced congressional Republicans to put him above the law — but not above the conservative agenda.
  30. conservatism
    The GOP’s Opposition to Impeachment Is (Terrifyingly) PrincipledMany conservatives simply value the preservation of liberal democracy less than the maintenance of their movement’s power.
  31. racism
    Richard Spencer Broke His Contract With AmericaHe agreed to shroud his white nationalism in nice clothes and respectability. He seems to have inadvertently let the mask drop.
  32. politics
    Republicans Want Victimhood Without Being VictimizedThe party that controls America’s most powerful institutions is now staging sit-ins.
  33. interesting times
    Andrew Sullivan: The Difference Between Boris Johnson and Donald TrumpThe two leaders and their parties are often lumped together. But one is defending democracy while the other is tearing at its fabric.
  34. politics
    Trump-Appointed Student Loan Official Resigns: “Stop the Insanity”A. Wayne Johnson is calling for student-loan forgiveness — and he may run for office.
  35. vision 2020
    Commies Versus the Klan? Democrats and Republicans Have a Dim View of Each OtherRepublicans think Democrats are socialists, and Democrats think Republicans are racists. One or both of them may be right, but nobody will be civil.
  36. vision 2020
    Republicans Quietly Rigging 2020 Nominating Contest for TrumpWhat began as a measure to stamp out any dissent at the convention has now become a safeguard for a president who is looking a bit shakier of late.
  37. the cost of doing business
    Marco Rubio ‘Disgusted’ by NBA Deference to China. He Should Feel Right at Home.The senator regularly decries autocrats abroad while declining to fight them at home.
  38. republican party
    Jeff Flake Wants to Save the GOP Soul. The Party Seems Uninterested.The former senator says Republicans shouldn’t support Trump’s reelection. Judging by Trump’s fundraising, his compatriots disagree.
  39. ukraine scandal
    GOP Divided Over How Enthusiastically to Cover for Trump’s Corruption on UkraineSome Republicans want to pretend that the whistleblower complaint is concerning but not damning ⁠— others, that Trump’s corruption is actually good.
  40. trump administration
    Trump Loyalists Aren’t Being Ostracized After Leaving — They’re ThrivingSean Spicer, Kierstjen Nielsen, and Corey Lewandowski all made dramatic public comebacks this week.
  41. the swamp
    Mark Sanford and the Quest for the Mythical Reluctant Trump VoterIs the former South Carolina governor’s primary challenge to the president noble or pathetic?
  42. 9/11
    NC House Republicans Conduct ‘Surprise Vote’ As Democrats Attend 9/11 MemorialWhat better way is there for GOP lawmakers to commemorate the tragedy than by exploiting it for political gain?
  43. racism
    A Non-Racist Conservatism Must Look to the Future, Not the PastRoss Douthat’s latest column paints a discouraging picture of non-racist conservatism.
  44. vision 2020
    The Republican Party Is (Probably) Not DoomedAn esteemed Democratic pollster says 2020 will mark the death of the GOP as we’ve known it. His case is weak.
  45. 2020 elections
    Why the Pragmatism of Black Voters Will Define the 2020 ElectionFor better or for worse.
  46. vision 2020
    Trump Mocks Sanford, Latest GOP Challenger, for Cheating With ‘Flaming Dancer’Cheating on your spouse is an issue the president happens to knows a bit about.
  47. racism
    A Non-Racist Conservative Movement Would Kill the Republican PartyIs the American right willing to risk destruction?
  48. impeachment
    Justin Amash Becomes First GOP Lawmaker to Say Trump Should Be ImpeachedHe also criticized Barr for misrepresenting the Mueller report, and chided both parties for putting partisanship above the rule of law.
  49. ilhan omar
    Ilhan Omar Never Stood a ChancePolitical attacks against the Muslim Minnesota congresswoman — culminating in one from the president — have devolved into pure Islamophobic id.
  50. white nationalism
    White Nationalism Is the Republican Party’s Meal TicketThis week on Capitol Hill, Republicans tried to distract Americans from their complicity in white nationalism. They ended up drawing attention to it.
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