Ron Johnson Survives, AgainThe most-frustrating Republican senator to Democrats defeats Mandela Barnes, thanks in no small part to highlighting his liberal past.
ByRoss Barkan
2022 midterms
Will Election Deniers Deny Their Own Defeats?Republican candidates aren’t necessarily going to wait for 2024 to repeat their 2020 stolen-election fables. There’s no time like the present.
It’s Willie Horton Season in the MidtermsRon Johnson and Mehmet Oz have clawed their ways back in the polls by blaming Democrats for violent crime and blowing racist dog whistles.
Democrats Learn to Love the Culture WarWedge issues used to be the weapon solely of Republicans, but that’s changed with a push to force senators to vote to codify same-sex marriage.
Juneteenth Is Now a Federal Holiday“Great nations don’t ignore their most painful moments,” Biden said as he signed the bill establishing a holiday marking the end of slavery.
Republican Senator Rob Portman to Retire in 2022The fight for control of the Senate in 2022 is already underway. The key factor could be the kind of Republican divisions evident in Portman’s Ohio.
Ron Johnson Is Very Bad at McCarthyismFor the second time in two weeks, the Wisconsin senator made up a wild conspiracy theory about the FBI — only to see it instantly fall apart.