It Was Either This or Try That New Trend of Rapping on the Subway
Prince Charles shot hoops in Harlem yesterday, and we just can’t get enough of the photos. That’s all.
The Prince, in the City, Dribbled and Scores [NYT]
Earlier: Next on NPR: Sometimes Panhandlers Ask for Money on Subway Cars
the morning line
So Much for the Hill-Rupe Alliance
• Hillary stumps in Iowa — hey, the caucus is only twelve months away — and the Post is already scandalized. See, Hillary rolled her eyes when asked if she can handle “evil men” — and we all know what that means. [NYP]
• Remember Efrain Gonzalez, the Albany politician who funneled children’s-charity funds into vacation houses and custom cigars? Turns out Gonzalez is, at least, as cruel to his own children as to others’: He has “virtually abandoned” his disabled son, an ex-wife says. [NYDN]
• Charles and Camilla’s itinerary for the weekend New York visit included watching Harlem kids perform Shakespeare, picking up an environmental award from Al Gore, and getting photographed shooting hoops (one of the two princely shots went in). [WABC]
• The new contract between public-school teachers and the city had an interesting side effect: Teachers will now be making more than principals, who aren’t part of the same union. The latter aren’t happy (especially now that Bloomberg wants to give them more authority). [NYT]
• And thousands ran the “Idiotarod” from Greenpoint to Queens on Saturday — a bizarro race wherein costumed participants, tied to shopping carts, throw edibles at each other. The official winner is not yet known, so we’ll just go ahead and call it for Hillary. [