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Security Breaches

  1. security breaches
    Secret Service Made Many Mistakes With IntruderThe internal review “reads as a comedy of errors” by the Secret Service.
  2. security breaches
    Someone Pretending to Be a Congressman Just Strolled Backstage With the ObamasMore stories of Secret Service mistakes continue to creep out.
  3. security breaches
    Secret Service Let Armed Felon Ride an Elevator With President ObamaAnd never told him about the security breach.
  4. security breaches
    Secret Service: White House Now Has Auto-LockJulia Pierson is sorry about that breach.
  5. the internet
    Russian Hacker Group Steals More Than a Billion Passwords It’s the largest known collection of stolen user data.
  6. terrorble
    People Are Now Just Sneaking Into the World Trade Center AccidentallyTwo more minor security breaches.
  7. fun with cell phones
    Software Flaw Left Apple Devices Vulnerable to Hacker AttackBe sure to do your updates today!
  8. security breaches
    Malware Used in Target Attack IdentifiedAnd says there were six other attacks against retailers.
  9. big trouble
    Target Is in a Lot of Trouble Over Stolen Credit-Card NumbersThey’re offering customers a ten-percent discount to make up for it.
  10. security breaches
    Adobe Users, It’s Time to Change Your PasswordsThis again.
  11. security breaches
    Zappos Hacked, Leaking Millions of Customers’ DataThe company has shut off its phones in anticipation of an onslaught of calls.
  12. simply stunning
    Flying Into Newark Will Leave You Just Stunned!Coulda been literally.
  13. teens
    17-Year-Old Hacker Behind Twitter‘s ‘Mouseover’ Attack Acts Like a 17-Year-Old“Just keep asking yourself: ‘What would Jesus NOT do?’”
  14. Twitter ‘Mouseover’ Bug Sends Users to Porn Sites Without Their ConsentA new security flaw.
  15. joe biden
    Man Gets (Too) Close to Biden in Olympics Security BreachMan reportedly “had an infatuation” with the VP.
  16. it just happened
    Clinton’s and McCain’s Passport Files Just As Seductive As Obama’s to Bored CubiclersIf you were sitting in front of a State Department computer being told to try out security software on someone, would you really pick your Aunt Marjorie who’s never left the state of Wisconsin?