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September 11

  1. politics
    Eric Adams Invokes 9/11 in Very Weird FashionAsked a simple interview question on Sunday, he immediately made things strange.
  2. politics
    Could the 2022 Midterms Be As Bad As 2010 for Democrats?History suggests the upcoming midterm elections will be tough for the president’s party. But Democrats may avoid a repeat of their 2010 shellacking.
  3. mtg
    Marjorie Taylor Greene Wonders What New York Has to Do With Homeland SecurityMarjorie Taylor Greene asked why a New York rep. leads the House Homeland Security Committee, apparently unaware of the state’s history or geography.
  4. 9/11: 20 years later
    What 9/11 Did to the Democratic PartyTo this day, Democrats struggle with the fear of looking weak.
  5. 9/11: 20 years later
    9/11, 20 Years LaterStaff writers and contributors reflect on that day’s bloody legacy.
  6. 2022 midterms
    Could Democrats Defy History and Keep Congress in 2022?There is recent precedent for the president’s party gaining House seats in unusual midterm elections, but it is still a long shot for Democrats.
  7. politics
    The Problem With the Lee Greenwood BibleOn this Memorial Day, we should honor the distinctly American tradition of church-state separation and avoid conflating God and country.
  8. joe biden
    What Joe Biden and George W. Bush Have in CommonComparing the early performances of our most-recent presidents.
  9. marjorie taylor greene
    House Bars Marjorie Taylor Greene From Committees Over Hateful RhetoricBecause of her rhetoric, Greene will not join the House Budget Committee and the House Education and Labor Committee as originally planned.
  10. 2022 midterms
    The 2022 Midterms Could Be Another Referendum on TrumpBiden and Democrats would normally struggle to hold on to Congress in 2022. But Trump sticking around could change the dynamics.
  11. politics
    Why Big Mo Matters to BidenPast presidents — including Barack Obama — who got off to a slow or clumsy start often paid dearly for it. Biden wants to avoid that fate.
  12. politics
    Conservatives Use Free Speech As a Shield to Defend BigotryA Republican delegate in West Virginia claimed that the Islamophobic Ilhan Omar poster was about “free speech.” It wasn’t.
  13. politics
    Pat Robertson Cares More About a Saudi Weapons Deal Than a Journalist’s MurderIn comments on Jamal Khashoggi’s apparent murder, the Christian-right warhorse revealed he can no longer distinguish God’s will from Donald Trump’s.
  14. Clinton Shouldn’t Celebrate the ‘Spirit of 9/12’After Orlando, Clinton championed the sense of unity America enjoyed in the wake of 9/11. But that unity produced disastrous policies whose consequences we’re still suffering from.
  15. select all
    What Internet Conspiracy Theories Will Be Revealed on the New $20 Bill?Mo’ money, mo’ secrets.
  16. Sanders and Clinton Betray Obama on Saudi ArabiaObama is fighting to kill a bill that would allow 9/11 families to sue the Saudis. Sanders and Clinton aren’t helping.
  17. Donald Trump Suggested Saudi Arabia Was Behind 9/11 Multiple Times WednesdayThe GOP front-runner protects his lead by accusing a U.S. ally of knocking down the Twin Towers.
  18. still waiting…
    Jon Stewart Returns to TDS, Shames McConnellHe said McConnell “doesn’t give a s**t about anything but politics.”
  19. still waiting…
    Zadroga Act Still Hasn’t Been Renewed“It is unpatriotic to ignore the needs of our first responders.”
  20. Donald Trump Mocks a Reporter’s Disability, Says That He Didn’tWhile defending his discredited claims about traitorous Muslims, Trump appeared to make fun of a reporter’s crippled arm.
  21. Trump: If I Had Been President, 9/11 Probably Wouldn’t Have HappenedHe’s so tough on immigration, those hijackers would never have made it into the country.
  22. september 11
    Supporters Still Waiting for Zadroga Act RenewalThe 9/11 Health and Compensation Act begins to expire in October. 
  23. september 11
    Marcy Borders, the Woman From the Famous 9/11 ‘Dust Lady’ Photo, Dies of CancerShe was only 42. 
  24. crimes and misdemeanors
    Man Arrested for Smearing Paint on Brooklyn 9/11 Memorial “This is extremely personal.”
  25. september 11
    9/11 Sick Claims Must Be Filed by Midnight67 different cancers are eligible.
  26. nice things
    Here Is a September 11 Story With a Nice EndingA woman spent 13 years trying to find the owner of a photo found at Ground Zero.
  27. september 11
    9/11 Museum Now Has Shirt From Bin Laden Raid And some related items.
  28. new york
    You Can Go to the 9/11 Memorial Plaza on 9/11 This YearA first for the general public.
  29. tacky things
    You Missed Your Chance to Own a 9/11 Cheese PlateIt’s been pulled from the museum’s gift shop.
  30. never forget
    No One Can Be Mad at This 9/11 Memorial GraffitiPeople are scratching “anguished messages” into the victim plaques.
  31. puppies!!!!!!
    Portraits of 9/11 Rescue Dogs Will Bring You to TearsGrab some Kleenex.
  32. media
    Reporter Kicked Out of 9/11 Museum for Asking a Question Without PermissionAmid some bad press, the museum will not have people doing unauthorized journalism.
  33. never forget
    9/11 Museum Not the Best Place for a Cocktail PartyThere were some complaints about the space’s preopening day event.
  34. photo op
    Powerful Images From the 9/11 Museum DedicationPresident Obama led the ceremony this morning with a brief, moving speech.
  35. ground zero
    9/11 Victims’ Remains Moved Back to Ground ZeroSome families protested the transfer.
  36. terrorble
    Bin Laden Was an Optimist, Son-in-Law TestifiesSulaiman Abu Ghaith describes his post-9/11 remote cave discussions.
  37. truthers
    9/11 Truthers Had Their Biggest Super Bowl EverWatch the press-conference photobomb.
  38. other countries’ embarrassments
    September 11 Costumes Won a Halloween Contest in the U.K.Britain has terrible costumes too!
  39. terrorist puppies!!
    Terrorist Dog Pees on Banksy 9/11 TributeAmazing photo. 
  40. oops
    J.R. Smith Definitely Didn’t Mean to Say We Should ‘Celebrate’ 9/11 DeathsBut that’s what he wrote.
  41. live television
    Teenager Punctuates 9/11 Tribute With Plea to Obama for PeaceA 15-year-old spoke up during her time on the microphone.
  42. september 11
    September 11 Museum to Charge Mandatory AdmissionProbably $20-25, but not for victims’ families.
  43. world trade center
    No Human Remains Found Near 9/11 Plane DebrisThe piece of a 767 was removed today.
  44. world trade center
    Officials Waiting to Get a Look at 9/11 DebrisMeanwhile, some are suggesting that it was planted.
  45. crazy things
    Newly Discovered September 11 Debris Appears to Be Piece of PlaneAlmost twelve years later.
  46. september 11
    Ground Zero Cross Will Be Included in 9/11 MuseumDespite the objections of an atheist group.
  47. september 11
    9/11 Truther Can’t Even Get Message to Stick on French MasterpieceSorry, France.
  48. september 11
    9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Finally Pays OutAwards ranged from $10,000 to $1.5 million.
  49. terrorble
    Accused 9/11 Conspirators Still Giving Silent Treatment in CourtThe judge is moving ahead anyway.
  50. writing on the wall
    Graffiti in World Trade Center Is Either Uplifting or Unspeakably VileThe answer is written on the men’s room wall.
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