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Shana Madoff
Madoff Relatives Sued for Being Total ImbecilesBernie’s immediate family was “completely derelict” in carrying out their professional duties, says a suit.
Trustee Will Get Money Out of Madoff Family by Any Means NecessaryAndrew, Mark, Peter, and Shana Madoff are being sued for a combined $198 million.
SEC Lawyer Raised Questions About Madoff Back in 2004Go work on something else, she was told by her supervisor, who would later marry into the Madoff family.
Larry Levine’s Tips for Surviving PrisonThe man reportedly advising Bernie Madoff’s niece on prison behavior gives Intel some of his storied advice.
Madoff Niece Signed Up for Crash Course in Thug LifeShe’s hired a “consultant,” says a report. These people.