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St. Vincent’s Hospital

  1. the racie for gracie
    Anti-Quinn Protester Goes on Short Slapping Spree Over anger about the closing of St. Vincent’s hospital.
  2. real estate
    St. Vincent’s Condo Plan Moves ForwardWith City Council approval.
  3. neighborhood news
    NYC AIDS Memorial Park Launches Design Competition The community park and memorial will be built across the street from St. Vincent’s hospital.
  4. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia Reportedly Considering Buying St. Vincent’s HospitalAnd allegedly moving the Park 51 Islamic Center over there.
  5. neighborhood news
    North Shore–Long Island Hospital Will Not Be Rescuing St. Vincent’sThe deal is DOA.
  6. neighborhood news
    St. Vincent’s Board Votes to Shut Down HospitalAfter prolonged battle with debt, hospital to close after 160 years.
  7. neighborhood news
    Mt. Sinai Passes on Partnership With St. Vincent’sIt looks like bankruptcy or bust for the historic West Village hospital. Or both.
  8. neighborhood news
    Continuum in Bid to Shut Down St. Vincent’sUnder a new proposal, the hospital might rid itself of all emergency-care facilities.
  9. neighborhood news
    Landmarks Commission Approves St. Vincent’s Residential TowerThe entire Seventh Avenue project is a step closer to realization.
  10. company town
    Ana Marie Cox Comes Full Circle at ‘Radar’The founding Wonkette editor signs on to do irreverent political coverage for Maer’s magazine, another Charles Kushner associate goes down, and Andrew Cuomo noses around Dick Grasso’s package, in our daily roundup of news from the worlds of media, real estate, law, and finance.
  11. intel
    Albert Ledner Defends His White ElephantCan St. Vincent’s Medical Center’s O’Toole Building be saved? Moderinist mavens hope so, and many of them, in chunky art-director glasses, gathered in Chelsea last night to hear its architect, Albert Ledner, 83, defend it. Ledner designed two nautical-themed New York buildings for the National Maritime Union in the sixties; one is now the Maritime Hotel, with its slab of porthole windows looking down on meatpacking revelers, while the other, a levitating rectangle that flares at the top with two rows of stylized sea “waves,” has long since become the O’Toole Building. St. Vincent’s wants to build an energy-efficient, seventeen-story hospital on the site, and many Villagers are happy to see Ledner’s boxy, “wave”-bedecked rectangle go. (Its façades are “closed and forbidding,” says local activist Zac Winestine.) Ledner’s fans, however, want to preserve it.