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Displaying all articles tagged:
Stop And Frisk
June 7, 2023
Eric Adams’s New NYPD Units Are Engaged in Illegal Stop and Frisk
The notorious anti-crime squads were rebranded, but a federal monitor finds they routinely violated Black and brown people’s rights.
Nia Prater
vision 2020
Feb. 25, 2020
In Second Debate, Bloomberg Was Still a Man in a Billionaire’s Bubble
Despite the best debate prep money can buy, Bloomberg remained awkward, on the defensive, and incapable of going after front-runner Bernie Sanders.
Ed Kilgore
michael bloomberg
Feb. 21, 2020
Op-Ed Asks: ‘Is Bloomberg Racist?’ Voters Should Answer: ‘Who Cares?’
To argue that Bloomberg’s policies as mayor were racist because he’s dense rather than evil is not consoling.
Zak Cheney-Rice
michael bloomberg
Feb. 19, 2020
Bloomberg Defends Stop and Frisk With Lies at Democratic Debate
Later, Elizabeth Warren pummeled him over his history of using nondisclosure agreements.
Benjamin Hart
michael bloomberg
Feb. 12, 2020
Why ‘Stop and Frisk’ Hasn’t Arrested Bloomberg’s Rise
The former New York mayor’s ascension up the 2020 ranks, especially among black voters, seems incongruous. It’s not.
Zak Cheney-Rice
vision 2020
Feb. 12, 2020
Lucy McBath’s Endorsement Reflects Mike Bloomberg’s Unique Appeal
The former mayor faces big questions over his record on race, but a growing number of black lawmakers have gotten behind him.
Ed Kilgore
michael bloomberg
Dec. 6, 2019
Michael Bloomberg Thinks You Proles Are Stupid and Ungrateful
The only reason he waited so long to apologize for “stop and frisk” was that no one ever asked about it before, the billionaire baldly lied.
Eric Levitz
Nov. 18, 2019
Michael Bloomberg Apologizes for Stop and Frisk: ‘I Was Wrong’
The former mayor was criticized for his stark turnaround on the unconstitutional profiling practice in the midst of a potential 2020 run.
Matt Stieb
Oct. 8, 2018
Trump: Stop-and-Frisk Will Save Chicago
The law and order president wants to stop crime with an unconstitutional practice.
Adam K. Raymond
new york beginnings
Mar. 2, 2018
The Crime-Fighting Program That Changed New York Forever
Is CompStat’s main legacy safe streets or stop and frisk?
Chris Smith
Sept. 28, 2016
What Lester Holt Got Wrong About Stop-and-Frisk in the Presidential Debate
The tactic
constitutional, but its use in New York might not have been.
Ed Kilgore
Sept. 21, 2016
Trump Appeals to Black Voters With Call for Chicago Stop-and-Frisk
The GOP nominee suggests “black-on-black” crime can be solved by forcing all police departments to unconstitutionally search young black men.
Eric Levitz
law enforcement enforcement
Nov. 16, 2015
Police Nonfatal Force DOJ Report
A new DOJ study on the heavy-handed (but nonfatal) treatment of minority groups by cops.
Nathan Pemberton
new york’s finest
July 30, 2014
The NYPD Can’t Stop Changes to Stop-and-Frisk
Reforms will finally be implemented after a judge’s decision today.
Adam K. Raymond
bill de blasio’s new york
Mar. 31, 2014
Bill Bratton Says NYPD Morale Was ‘Awful’ Before He Took Over
The new police commissioner swipes at the old one.
Joe Coscarelli
bill de blasio’s new york
Mar. 5, 2014
De Blasio Drops Another Bloomberg NYPD Lawsuit
The new mayor again undoes the work of the old one.
Joe Coscarelli
new york’s finest
Feb. 7, 2014
NYPD Really Wants to Keep Stopping and Frisking
Police unions are trying to block De Blasio’s settlement.
Joe Coscarelli
bill de blasio’s new york
Jan. 30, 2014
De Blasio Undoing Bloomberg’s Stop-and-Frisk Appeal
The new administration filed paperwork today to drop its inherited fight.
Joe Coscarelli
bill de blasio’s new york
Jan. 16, 2014
Stop-and-Frisk Problem ‘More or Less Solved,’ Says Bratton
The stops were already way down before he took over.
Joe Coscarelli
Dec. 3, 2013
The Onion
Examines the Controversy Over ‘Stop and Kiss’
Here is a funny video.
Dan Amira
stop and frisk
Nov. 22, 2013
Court Rejects City’s Motion to Toss Out Stop-and-Frisk Ruling
The legal battle to protect stop-and-frisk might be over.
Caroline Bankoff
crimes and misdemeanors
Nov. 19, 2013
NYPD Cops Are Increasingly Over Stop-and-Frisk
Latest quarterly drop of 80 percent is the sharpest.
Adam Martin
new york’s finest
Nov. 15, 2013
Ray Kelly Calls Out Fake-Friend Democrats Over Stop-and-Frisk
“They were pandering to get votes.”
Joe Coscarelli
everybody loves statistics
Nov. 14, 2013
Stop-and-Frisk Doesn’t Yield Many Convictions
Though the NYPD says that’s not what it’s for.
Adam Martin
the third terminator
Oct. 31, 2013
Bloomberg Resists Urge to Gloat About Stop-and-Frisk, Embrace Weiner Costume
Where’s his Halloween spirit?
Margaret Hartmann
stop and frisk
Oct. 31, 2013
Stop-and-Frisk Ruling Blocked by Appeals Court, Judge Removed From Case
Bloomberg and the NYPD are still in this thing.
Joe Coscarelli
the third terminator
Sept. 19, 2013
, NYPD Scaremonger Over Stop-and-Frisk
It’s a coordinated scaremongering effort.
Joe Coscarelli
the racie for gracie
Sept. 9, 2013
Would a Democratic Mayor End the NYPD’s Muslim-Surveillance Program?
The answer seems to be no.
Matt Taylor
party chat
Sept. 4, 2013
Questlove Is Stopped So Frequently by the Police, ‘It’s Like Breathing’
Questlove shares his thoughts on stop-and-frisk.
Jennifer Vineyard
the racie for gracie
Aug. 29, 2013
GOP Mayoral Candidates Break With Democrats on Stop-and-Frisk, Condoms
At Wednesday’s debate.
Margaret Hartmann
crimes and misdemeanors
Aug. 28, 2013
The NYPD Is Stopping and Frisking a Lot Less These Days
And yet, crime continues to decline.
Adam Martin
the third terminator
Aug. 19, 2013
Bloomberg Admits He Might Reconsider Stop-and-Frisk If He Had a (Black) Son
“I might feel differently about it, but nevertheless.”
Joe Coscarelli
stop and frisk
Aug. 18, 2013
Ray Kelly Unsurprisingly Unswayed by Stop-and-Frisk Ruling
He spent Sunday defending the practice on TV.
Delia Paunescu
neighborhood news
Aug. 15, 2013
Insane Upper West Side Woman Goes Off on Stop-and-Frisk, Outer Boroughs
“You don’t want those people living around you!”
Joe Coscarelli
stop and frisk
Aug. 14, 2013
The Daily Show
Imagines Stop-and-Frisk for White People
“If you don’t want to be associated with white-collar crime, maybe you shouldn’t dress that way.”
Caroline Shin
Aug. 12, 2013
Is Today the Beginning of the End of America’s ‘Tough on Crime’ Policies?
The key question: How much have we given up?
Jennifer Gonnerman
the third terminator
Aug. 12, 2013
Mayor Bloomberg Extremely Angry at Stop-and-Frisk Ruling
“You couldn’t be more wrong!”
Joe Coscarelli
nypd blues
Aug. 12, 2013
Stop-and-Frisk Ruled Unconstitutional, But It Won’t Stop
The NYPD will instead get a federal monitor to oversee the program.
Joe Coscarelli
crimes and misdemeanors
Aug. 8, 2013
Past Stop-and-Frisks to Stay in the Past
Even if they resulted in a citation.
Adam Martin
the racie for gracie
July 28, 2013
Bill Thompson Compares Stop-and-Frisk to George Zimmerman’s ‘Suspicion’
“If our government profiles people because of skin color and treats them as potential criminals, how can we expect citizens to do any less?”
Delia Paunescu
July 19, 2013
Obama Needs to Decide If He’s Ready to Endorse Stop-and-Frisk
Ray Kelly has a great record of protecting New York. He also has lots of baggage.
Chris Smith
the third terminator
July 16, 2013
Bloomberg Is Intimidating His Stop-and-Frisk Enemies
He’s switching from kindness to muscle.
Joe Coscarelli
the racie for gracie
June 20, 2013
Quinn Already Giving Ray Kelly a Stop-and-Frisk Ultimatum
She’ll keep him if she gets elected, but there are conditions.
Adam Martin
nypd blues
June 13, 2013
Justice Department Wants NYPD Monitor, If Stop-and-Frisk Is Wrong
They don’t want to weigh it on the discrimination issue.
Margaret Hartmann
May 12, 2013
NYPD Says Stop-And-Frisk Complaints Rarely About Race
Commanders say profiling complaints just don’t come up.
Adam Martin
nypd blues
May 7, 2013
Stop-and-Frisks on the Decline
But they will remain a major election-year issue.
Adam Martin
the third terminator
May 5, 2013
Two Arrested for Murder of Alphonza Bryant
But was Bloomberg happy with the
’ coverage?
Caroline Bankoff
stop and frisk
May 2, 2013
Ray Kelly Defends Stopping Mostly Black People
The police commissioner looks to math.
Joe Coscarelli
nypd blues
Apr. 30, 2013
NYPD’s Stop-and-Frisk Defense Is Extremely Unflattering to Cops
Brass suggests quotas elicit work.
Adam Martin
crimes and misdemeanors
Apr. 4, 2013
Study Finds Stop-and-Frisk Yields Relatively Few Guns
One for every thousand people stopped.
Adam Martin
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