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The Future Is Now

  1. the future is now
    ChatGPT Gets RealYou can now have a pretty normal conversation with an AI bot. Is that fun or terrifying?
  2. the future is now
    That AI Chatbot Wrote a Pretty Decent New York ArticleIs this the end of journalism as we know it?
  3. select all
    Uber and NASA Want to See You in a Flying Taxi by 2020Uber is calling it “ride-sharing in the sky.”
  4. select all
    This Terrifying Robot-Snake Surgeon Could Save Your Life Some DaySay ah!
  5. Japan’s First VR Porn Festival Was So Popular It Had to Be Shut DownToo many bodies.
  6. the future is now
    Amazon Offers Manhattanites One-Hour Toilet-Paper DeliveryAmong other “daily essentials.”
  7. the future is now
    NYC Plans World’s Largest Free Public WiFi SetupNow you’ll truly never have to look up from your phone in public again.
  8. the future is now
    Julian Assange Appeared in Nantucket Via HologramHe’s still stuck in the embassy.
  9. the future is now
    Filmmakers Can Start Using Drones in the U.S. The FAA is expected to approve their use on film sets.
  10. the future is now
    London Orders Company to Stop Spying on People With Recycling BinsStill spying on you: everything else in the world. 
  11. life imitating minority report
    Things That Are Spying on You: Recycling BinsA brand of recycling bins in London tracks what you’re doing, thanks to your phone. 
  12. the future is now
    Manhattan Still Has All the Underground Cell ServiceNow in 36 stations.
  13. the future is now
    NYC to Get Free Subway WiFi This SummerIn certain stations. 
  14. the future is now
    Facebook Engineers Are Coming to New YorkLike, to stay.
  15. the future is now
    Four Million People Around the World Are Now ‘Checking In’ on FoursquareThe very chic Wijono S. of Jakarta, Indonesia, marks the milestone.
  16. robot cars
    Google Creates Cars That Drive Without People in ThemRight.