6 Takeaways From Glenn Youngkin’s Win in VirginiaEarly data suggests the Republican governor-elect benefited from higher turnout in pro-GOP areas and among white working-class voters in particular.
Universal Health Care Is a Pro-Democracy PolicyStudies suggest that expanding Medicaid increases turnout by giving nonvoters an opportunity to register – and a valued government service to defend.
Storms Could Rain on Election Day ParadeIn states with lots of early voting, storms might not matter so much politically. But in big parts of the South and Midwest, look out!
AFL-CIO Split Over Tom Steyer’s Green CashBillionaire Tom Steyer has agreed to contribute $5 million to the AFL-CIO’s pro-Democrat super-pac. But he opposes the Keystone Pipeline, so some unions don’t want to take his filthy, clean-energy-loving money.