Displaying all articles tagged:

White People

  1. close looks
    Posted Live From the InfernoJerry Saltz on the pictures from the Capitol—some of the scariest, stupidest ever taken.
  2. America Will Only Remain ‘Majority White’ If Blacks Remain an UnderclassTo say that Latinos will “become white” is to say that they will help fortify a racial caste system that subordinates African-Americans.
  3. The Electorate Is Whiter Than We ThoughtExit polls consistently underestimate the white vote. That could have big implications for November.
  4. Trump Not Lifting GOP White Working-Class VoteThere’s not much evidence that with Trump at the top of the ticket the GOP will raise its already-strong performance among white working-class voters enough to offset the votes he’ll lose elsewhere.
  5. white people
    White People Rioting for No ReasonAll the times white people rioted for reasons other than legitimate grievances with our legal system.
  6. bill de blasio’s new york
    White People Are Not So Sure About Bill de BlasioA new poll has his overall favorability near 50 percent, but lower among white New Yorkers.
  7. white people
    Politico Suspends Its White House Correspondent He also tweeted a penis joke.
  8. blobs
    ‘Will the Older Generation Pay for Educating a Younger Generation That Looks Less Like Itself?’The ‘Times’ is worried about all these minority babies.
  9. census sensitivity
    White People Are the New York Region’s Largest Racial Group by a Slightly Smaller MarginMinorities are now the majority in the New York region.
  10. bright young things
    Diversity Rules at Annual Debutante BallSome debs were blonde, and some were brunette! That counts, right?
  11. neighborhood watch
    Parts of Brooklyn That Feel Richer and Whiter Really Are!One-fifth of black and Hispanic families have left the west-of-Prospect-Park area in seven years.
  12. the week in awkward
    Stuff Middle-Aged White People SaidThe election of Barack Obama as president of the United States has stirred the souls of white folk.
  13. neighborhood watch
    White-Flight Reversal Signals City’s Return to Eisenhower-Era VibeFor the first time in half a century, the percentage of the city’s population that is white actually rose this year.
  14. early and often
    Possible V.P. Jim Webb Speaks on Obama, RednecksThe Virginia senator: “Rednecks don’t bowl, and I am one.”
  15. early and often
    Obama’s Problem With Working-Class Whites: Not As Bad As You Think!Why are we spending so much time on these particular white folks? The primary calendar, Democratic leaders, veteran political reporters…