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Work Requirements

  1. medicaid
    Trump Loses Big Court Decision on Medicaid Work RequirementThis doesn’t bode well for the administration’s even more audacious effort to turn Medicaid into a block grant without congressional action.
  2. health care
    Federal Judge Rejects Trump Attempt to Attach Work Requirements to MedicaidA D.C. judge rules that the purpose of Medicaid is health coverage, not conservative social engineering.
  3. medicaid expansion
    Utah Republicans Move to Thwart Voter-Ordered Medicaid ExpansionThe bill substitutes a partial expansion with right-wing conditions they expect the administration to approve, in place of a voter-mandated expansion.
  4. health care
    Trump May Try to Kill Medicaid As We Know It by Executive FiatHaving failed for decades to pass legislation ending Medicaid as an entitlement program, Republicans may now try to get there by state waivers.
  5. politics
    Thousands of Arkansans Are Losing Medicaid Due to Work Rule. That’s the Point.Advocates say the policy isn’t punitive, but new data underscores that urging the poor to get a job or lose their health care won’t curb inequality.
  6. politics
    With New SNAP Work Requirements Removed, We May Finally Get a Farm BillThe previous farm bill expired in October and lawmakers were at an impasse over a House Republican push to restrict access to food stamps.
  7. welfare
    More Evidence That Welfare Work Requirements Don’t Lift People Out of PovertyA new report suggests that poor people just tend to get poorer when they lose their benefits.
  8. Senate Clears Farm Bill, Setting Up Fight With House GOP Over SNAPDonald Trump is the tiebreaker, and while he’s demagogued about SNAP work requirements, he’s not threatening a veto if they are missing.
  9. GOP Likely to Sneak Cuts to Food Stamps Through the House This WeekThere are still ongoing fights over SNAP work requirements and farm subsidy limits, but one obstacle to the farm bill has fallen.
  10. Virginia Is Giving Obamacare a Huge — If Belated — WinDemocrats were able to wrangle a few GOP votes to expand Medicaid coverage to hundreds of thousands of needy Virginians.
  11. Farm Bill Defeated in House Over Food Stamp and Immigration IssuesHouse GOP lost Democratic Farm Bill votes by insisting on new SNAP work requirements. Then conservatives took it hostage over an immigration fight.
  12. 3 States Are Pushing Medicaid Reforms That Discriminate Against Black PeopleFunny how this works: White midwestern conservative lawmakers are exempting their own rural constituents from Medicaid work requirements.
  13. Trump Demands More Stringent Work Requirements for Food Stamps RecipientsIt’s a great way for Trump to demagogue about shiftless welfare bums without actually making major changes in a popular program.
  14. Trump Administration Says No to Medicaid Time Limits (for Now)While the administration lets states impose work requirements on those who receive Medicaid, it won’t let them just cut people off after three years.
  15. Michigan’s Proposed Medicaid Work Requirement Comes With a Racist TwistThe bill exempts residents of high-unemployment rural areas, but hangs those in high-unemployment cities out to dry.
  16. Moby Has a Take on Food Stamps — and It’s JunkThe vegan electronic musician’s liberal paternalism doesn’t have me SNAPping my fingers.
  17. Ryan to Unemployed Poor: Let ‘Em Eat Job TrainingThe frustrated would-be entitlement reformer Paul Ryan is taking the indirect route of linking work requirements to job-training programs.
  18. medicaid
    GOP Tinkering With Medicaid Could Tempt Red States to Expand CoverageAn apparently unintended consequence.