Displaying all articles tagged:

Zombie Nation

  1. zombie nation
    Zombie Woman and Dog Maim Oklahoma ManShe bit his ear off.
  2. zombie nation
    Miami Cannibal Victim on Rudy Eugene: ‘I Thought He Was a Good Guy’What he told police about the attack. 
  3. zombie planet
    Drunk Bus Driver in China Chews on Woman’s FaceOnce again: Hide.
  4. zombie nation
    Miami Cannibal Could Have Been on Some Newfangled, Undetectable Drug“There are many of these synthetic drugs that we currently don’t have the methodology to test on.”
  5. zombie nation
    The Miami Cannibal Was High on … Weed?Not bath salts, according to the toxicology report.
  6. zombie nation
    Porn-Star Killer Flown Back to CanadaHe was extradited from Germany.
  7. zombie nation
    Whatever You Do, Don’t Look at the Photo of the Miami Cannibal VictimSeriously, don’t look!
  8. zombie nation
    LAPD: Canadian Porn-Star Cannibal Might Have Killed in Hollywood Too“The body parts are the common denominator.”
  9. zombie nation
    Louisiana Bath Salts User ‘Bit a Chunk’ of Man’s Face Off Worst trend ever.
  10. you’ve got mail
    Someone Sent a Foot and Hand to Vancouver SchoolsBody parts are still turning up in Canada.
  11. zombie nation
    What Does Human Taste Like Anyway?Slate is on the case.
  12. zombie nation
    Let’s Force the White House to Plan for the Zombie ApocalypseSign our petition.
  13. zombie nation
    Canadian Porn-Star Cannibal Arrested in GermanyOne less cannibal on the loose.
  14. zombie nation
    Maryland Man Eats Roommate’s BrainOkay, that’ll do. Bye, everyone.