You’re in Good Hands With Freddy?

S o, what’s Freddy Ferrer been up to since getting trounced in the mayoral election last year? Not lobbying, the standard ex-politician route. “I’d rather put a blonde wig on and hang out in a low-class saloon than be a lobbyist—yuck!” Ferrer joked to one politico recently. “So what am I doing? I work at home. I’ve gotten real techy. I can sit there in my bathrobe and do work from my computer.” Among his ventures are an insurance company he’s quietly started with longtime consiglieres and Bronx power brokers Roberto Ramirez Sr. and Luis Miranda Jr. (Ferrer paid the pair a total of over $1.3 million in consulting fees and advertising buys for the failed race.) Ferrer declined to comment on the company, which is called Poder Insurance Agency, beyond saying that he has only an “equity position” in the firm. And no, he isn’t selling policies himself.

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You’re in Good Hands With Freddy?