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Rob Patronite

April 4, 2005 | Feature
First Roe

American shad, the quintessential springtime fish, is prized for its roe and flesh that’s notoriously hard to debone. Why not let the professionals do it?

March 28, 2005 | Feature
The Grape Debate

"What I'm trying to do is to get people to drink wine any way I can. And I don't care if it's white Zinfandel. I want them to have wine.

March 28, 2005 | Restaurant Openings
Restaurant Openings & Buzz

Week of March 21, 2005: Koi, Gulluoglu, Joe, and SobaKoh.

March 28, 2005 | In Season
Maple Syrup

While most Greenmarket farmers have it easy this time of year, lazing about, thumbing through their Farmer’s Almanacs, maple-syrup makers are in a tree-tapping, sap-boiling frenzy.

March 28, 2005 | Feature
Easter Treats, Italian Style

These cakes and breads, both sweet and savory, are worth fasting for.

March 28, 2005 | Feature
Easter Feasts

On Easter Sunday, local restaurants run the holiday gamut from spring lamb to glazed ham.

March 14, 2005
Our Heroes

The finest new sandwiches to chomp on.

March 14, 2005 | Feature
Pier Pressure

The Gates might be gone, but �Ashes and Snow,� at the Nomadic Museum on Pier 54, has just begun. Which means that West Village restaurants become an even hotter ticket.

March 14, 2005 | Feature
Green Day

There’s more to St. Patrick’s Day specials than corned beef and cabbage.

March 7, 2005 | The Underground Gourmet
A Real Heel

By focusing on a lesser-known region, Ama makes Italian food taste fresh again.