- August 8, 2005
- Intemperate Zone
As the city sank into estival torpor, Con Ed reported that electricity consumption had hit an all-time peak. People sought relief however they could.
- July 25, 2005
- Rumble, Rumble
he week after the London bombings, it Twas borne in upon slightly anxious New Yorkers that the MTA had spent a mere $30 million of the $600 million it had committed to security.
- July 18, 2005
- Urban Grit
Any disappointment by New York over its failed Olympic bid had to be reckoned as trivial compared with what the winning city went through.
- July 4, 2005
- Meltdown!
The day after the summer solstice, there was a full moon over New York. Yet this seemingly auspicious sign was preceded by a series of small disasters across the city.
- June 27, 2005
- Let the Games Continue
With a pardonable sense of exasperation, New Yorkers did their best to follow a stadium�cum�Olympic-bid drama that had more false endings than a Mahler symphony.
- June 20, 2005
- Hot and Humid
The week's unseasonable warmth made the air heavy with scents and odors that seemed to call forth primal emotions across the city.
- June 13, 2005
- Secrets and Sighs
The disclosure of Deep Throat’s identity transfixed the city, and New Yorkers grappled with other revelations of a more local character.
- June 6, 2005
- Oh, Wow
If the week had a moral, it might well have been that the best way of making a good impression is to maintain a demure silence.
- May 30, 2005
- I Love Nueva York
The city is inexhaustible. We have to believe that�as the mayor would say�porque somos nuyorquinos.
- May 23, 2005
- From High to Quite Low
It was a week crowded with culture, some of it elevated, some not.