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Restaurant Review Archive

May 9, 2005
Koi Polloi

The city’s latest Japanese joint serves delicious food, if you can stomach the crowd.

May 2, 2005
Fishy Business

At his new restaurant, gifted chef Laurent Tourondel puts concept over execution.

April 11, 2005
AAA Bond

Bond 45’s family-style cooking and service evoke Italian restaurants past.

April 4, 2005
Modern Love

Danny Meyer’s MoMA restaurant and café are studies in dining excellence.

March 23, 2005
March 28, 2005
Trading Spaces

Aquavit may have moved to a cold, bland location, but the food is as warm and imaginative as ever.

March 7, 2005
A Real Heel

By focusing on a lesser-known region, Ama makes Italian food taste fresh again.

February 28, 2005
A Nice Fit

If it had any interest in jumping on the current menu-concept bandwagon, Chino's could label its multiethnic small plates �Asian tapas.�

February 28, 2005
Another Bistro?

The latest variation on the theme, Bistro du Vent lacks imagination, but has its familiar charms.

February 21, 2005
Japanese Modesty

At Hedeh, the focus isn’t on a gimmicky theme or a flashy design. It’s on the food.