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Restaurant Review Archive

January 15, 2001
Employee Discount

Le Zinc

January 8, 2001
Sutton Impact

Le Perigord

December 18, 2000
Sea Change

One Hanover Square

December 11, 2000
Wild Bore

50 Gansevoort Street
(212-242-3200). Dinner, Mon.-Wed. 5:30 p.m.-1 a.m., Thurs.-Sat. to 1:30 a.m., Sun. to 11 p.m.; appetizers, $7 to $16, entrées, $15 to $21.50. All major credit cards.

December 4, 2000
Packing 'Em In

Macelleria, the meatpacking district's newest hotspot, has the low-key charm and easy dishes that made the area such a hit in the first place.

November 27, 2000
Strip Stakes

Strip House
13 East 12th Street (212-328-0000). Dinner, Sun.-Thurs. 6-11 p.m., Fri.-Sat. to 11:30 p.m.; appetizers, $9 to $15; entrées, $22 to $31. All major credit cards.
Nick & Stef's Steakhouse
9 Pennsylvania Plaza (212-563-4444).
Lunch, Mon.-Fri. 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; dinner, Mon.-Thurs. 5-10:30 p.m., Fri.-Sat. to 11 p.m., Sun. to 10 p.m.; appetizers, $7 to $15; entrées, $19 to $32. All major credit cards.

November 27, 2000
Cod Save the Queen

A Salt & Battery
112 Greenwich Avenue (212-691-2713). Open daily from noon to 10 p.m.
Fish and chips,$9.45 to $11.45.

November 20, 2000
Park Place

40 Central Park South (212-759-9191).
Dinner, Mon.-Sat. 6:30-11 p.m.; appetizers, $13 to $20; entrées, $26 to $40; prix fixe, $68. Pretheater dinner, prix fixe, $48.
All major credit cards.

November 13, 2000
Big Nights

142 West 10th Street (212-691-7757).
"Gino's Soprano Style Sunday dinner" 4 to 10 p.m.
$25 prix fixe. A.E. only
21 West 9th Street (212-533-0012).
"Grandma B. Cooks Italian" Tuesdays 5 p.m. to midnight.
Appetizers, $6 to $9; entrées, $9 to $18. A.E., M.C., V.

November 13, 2000
Tapas This

38 East 19th Street (212-677-2233).
Lunch, Monday through Friday 12 to 3 p.m.
Dinner, Monday through Thursday 6 p.m. to midnight;
Friday and Saturday 5:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Sunday to 10 p.m.
Brunch, Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tapas, $5 to $18. V, MC, AE.