- January 8, 2007 | The Movie Review
- Apocalpyse (Not So Long From) Now
In the thrillingly dire Children of Men, Clive Owen and dystopia make a nice pair.
- December 25, 2006 | The Movie Review
- Behind Enemy Lines
Clint Eastwood’s unshakable Iwo Jima; Judi Dench’s acidity trip; and a Rocky you can kinda root for.
- December 11, 2006 | The Movie Review
- And Opening This Week �
Homeless for the holidays in Will Smith’s feverish Pursuit of Happyness. Plus: Dreamgirls and Mel.
- December 18, 2006 |
- The Year in Movies
It wasn’t too soon for one 9/11 film, and it couldn’t have been a better year, tragically, for Iraq documentaries. Helen Mirren ruled. Maggie Gyllenhaal and Ryan Gosling were highly addictive. And the best movie of the year was � well, scroll down.
- December 11, 2006 | The Movie Review
- They Cut Glass. And Hands.
For such a formulaic film, Blood Diamond does have one very nice surprise. (Plus: Leo’s good in it.)
- December 4, 2006 | Feature
- The Sex Symbol Who Showers in the Dark
Bill Nighy makes great art in the territory between utter poise and utter collapse.
- December 4, 2006 | The Movie Review
- Ugly Disemboweled Americans
What the horror-show Turistas has in common with Babel. Plus: Remembering Robert Altman.
- November 27, 2006 | The Movie Review
- Top of Its Class
The History Boys shows why Dead Poets Society was such a sham.
- November 20, 2006 | The Movie Review
- Somebody Does It Better
Reinvention, indeed: Daniel Craig is a Bond we could get used to seeing in a tuxedo.
- November 13, 2006 | The Movie Review
- Hairy Situation
As Diane Arbus in the quasi-biopic Fur, Nicole Kidman suffers from personality-deficit disorder.