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Food Features Archive

February 21, 2005
Haute Cuisine, Petit Space

Eric Ripert teaches New Yorkers how to cook in a tiny kitchen.

February 21, 2005
Hey, Big Spender

Not so long ago, the $160 tab on a four-course Ducasse dinner gave the fine-dining community fits. Today, that price seems almost reasonable. Where to go when someone else is picking up the check. (Tax, tips, and drinks not included, of course.)

February 21, 2005
Walk It Off

Before or after your Christo-curated stroll in Central Park, you’re going to need to eat.

February 14, 2005
Just Desserts

Sure, you could go the predictable route on Valentine’s Day, but with the new boom in dessert destinations, why not sneak away for some love�or least some hazelnut-chocolate layer cake and a glass of Banyuls�in the afternoon?

February 14, 2005
Valentine’s Day Dinner

Cynics may call it amateur night, but every young Romeo has to start somewhere, and no one appreciates this fact better than our city’s chefs and restaurateurs.

February 14, 2005
Party Like It’s 4703

Chinatown celebrates the Lunar New Year with a parade and fireworks on February 9. You can also usher in the Year of the Rooster with lucky foods like whole fish (for abundance), chicken (for prosperity), and noodles (for longevity).

February 7, 2005
Pass the Vanilla Cognac

You’d think that Grand Marnier’s Navan vanilla cognac might be just another gimmick aimed at the Pass the Courvoisier crowd, but the liqueur is turning up in some surprising places�some of which don’t even own a velvet rope.

February 7, 2005
Wing It

For a nonpartisan�and slightly less sloppy�Super Bowl Sunday, skip the cheese steaks and lobster rolls and order in some spicy chicken wings.

February 7, 2005
Fat Tuesday

New York’s no New Orleans, but that’s no reason not to get in the bead-slinging swing come February 8.

January 24, 2005
Eats Village

Where once there was just Dojo and Khyber Pass, now there’s a gourmet glut. St. Marks Place (and vicinity, in Realtor-speak) is the latest Restaurant Row.