- November 16, 2009
- Fight Night at the Javits
Thai boxers! Karate kids! Ring babes! �Look Book� surveys the scene at the Mixed Martial Arts World Expo.
- November 9, 2009
- Frances Pierce, MTA Conductor
�I’m 52, and I’m the best dancer ever. I can dance hip-hop, salsa, ballroom-dancing�you name it, I do it.�
- November 2, 2009
- Pandhora Williams, Fabrizio Grasso, and Noah Williams Grasso
�It’s not that easy to have a child in the city, especially for two people who don’t have parents in the city, or in the States, even. We should rent a couple of grandparents.�
- October 26, 2009
- Varney Baxter, Unemployed
�Do you know Steve Harvey? He’s one of my influences. I thought, I’d love to look like that one day. And I did, yeah.�
- October 19, 2009
- Sung Andersen, Nonprofit Fund-raiser
�In New York, I can dress like this�I’m a girlie-girl�but in Korea, I can’t. There, it’d be like I was trying too hard to look younger.�
- October 12, 2009
- Patrick McDonald, Fashion Consultant
�I love mixing patterns and colors, stripes and plaids. Look at what I’m wearing!�
- October 5, 2009
- Dylan Monroe, Model
�I’ve always been really tall, really thin, and really pale�it has nothing to do with the vampire thing that’s going on.�
- September 28, 2009
- Anna Sheffield, Jewelry Designer
�I sort of have a Napoleon complex� I think I’m bigger than I am.�
- September 21, 2009
- Zinna, Florist
�I skateboarded my whole life, so I’m pretty good with the balance thing.�
- September 14, 2009
- Elizabeth Ammerman, Fashion Student
�My parents wanted me to study medicine, but instead I went to Pratt.�