Everyone knows about Central Park and Coney Island,but there are plenty of other places to take thekids—or yourself—for a spin on a paintedpony (or frog, or spider). The seasonal ones willreopen this weekend, weather permitting; call aheadfor hours or to book a birthday party.
Charles Carmel, one of the twentieth century’sbest carousel carvers, worked nearby and drewinspiration from the horses at a stable in the park.Forty-seven horses, plus a lion, a giraffe, and adeer. Wheelchair-accessible. (Willink entrance;718-965-8999; $1.)
The charming French-themed Le Carrousel, the newest ofthe bunch, opened just last spring and offers a touchof sophistication—ride to the music of EdithPiaf on fourteen classic carousel-horse replicas.(Sixth Avenue at 40th Street; 718-342-2419;$1.50.)
This gorgeously restored wooden carousel, one of justtwo remaining by Daniel C. Muller, turns 100 in June,and Queens residents are calling for theirneighborhood baby to be granted landmark status.(Woodhaven Boulevard entrance; 718-235-4100;$1.)
A relative newcomer, Harlem’s Totally KidCarousel was designed by local artist Milo Mottola,with help from more than 1,000 drawings byschoolchildren whose names are carved beneath each of“their” animals (among them a T. rexand a blue-striped zebra). (Enter at RiversideDrive and 145th Street; 212-694-3632; 50 cents.)
Fifty-two hand-painted horses, endangered species, andmythical beasts adorn Staten Island’s Carouselfor All Children. (Eton Place entrance;718-667-2165; $1.)